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Search results

  1. Murkrowfeather

    Funny Moments at School

    Well. For April Fools (on April Fools Day, of course) in first period, the entirety of the C Wing (about twenty classrooms, about 17 kids each) all tried to cram themselves into the second-smallest classroom in the building. Ours was the smallest, but it was physically impossible to get more...
  2. Murkrowfeather

    What were you and your partner in PMD red and blue?

    I was a Cubone named Rune for whatever reason, and my partner was a Totodile named Allison. I think... x3
  3. Murkrowfeather

    Giratina VS Cresselia

    Giratina, without a doubt. For whatever reason, Cresselia just doesn't appeal to me. I guess I've never gotten used to it as a Pokemon, but it seems kind of odd. (And plus Giratina is just pure win!)
  4. Murkrowfeather

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    I own one Shiny Spinda. I've seen one Shiny Spinda and three (!) FR Shiny Zubat. I didn't catch any of them. > .>
  5. Murkrowfeather

    Lines you won't find in the Bible.

    ...and on the one thousand, three hundred and thirty-seventh day, God invented Pokemon.
  6. Murkrowfeather

    *prods signature* That's the full-size image.

    *prods signature* That's the full-size image.
  7. Murkrowfeather

    I AM SUPAR MURKROW. It's the best card art pose - that is the best one overall.

    I AM SUPAR MURKROW. It's the best card art pose - that is the best one overall.
  8. Murkrowfeather

    Thanks. ^^ It's actually card art, but yeah. I love the pose.

    Thanks. ^^ It's actually card art, but yeah. I love the pose.
  9. Murkrowfeather

    What would you do if your best friend disappeared?

    I would nod, shrug, and get on with it. I don't really have a good friend. xD
  10. Murkrowfeather

    Sum yourself up in 3 words.

    "This... is... MURKYYYYYY!!!"
  11. Murkrowfeather

    Lines you won't find in the Bible.

    "...And then God died." Yeahuh.
  12. Murkrowfeather

    How do you recolour?

    LOLOL YOU LAZY FAILBOAT TOO. Okay, I'll stop now. xD
  13. Murkrowfeather

    Marysue. Mary Sue. Yeeeeeah.

    Marysue. Mary Sue. Yeeeeeah.
  14. Murkrowfeather

    Ninjas? Pirates? Ninja Pirates?

    Dinosaurs. They beat both.
  15. Murkrowfeather

    How do you recolour?

  16. Murkrowfeather

    How do you recolour?

    Fill tool. :3 Eraser tricks are for lazy failboats.
  17. Murkrowfeather

    Funny Moments at School

    My real name is much moar stupider. xD AND YOU CANT KNOW IT LOLOL
  18. Murkrowfeather

    Funny Moments at School

    *lolol* Very nice, Flora. I hate when people do that - I'm the only person who reads with any emotion, and people are all "YOURE READING TOO FAST OMG"... but no teacher of mine is going to pull a What Would Murky Do any time soon. xD (No, Murky's not my real name. xD)
  19. Murkrowfeather

    Pokemon Memorial Thread

    Nightwitch, my Murkrow. He saved my tail countless times, and was also the indirect namesake of my account here... *emosigh* Alas, he was lost with my copy of Pearl. I have not been able to train another Murkrow since... >:|
  20. Murkrowfeather

    Funny Moments at School

    We were all laughing too hard to type. *nods* yeah, that's it. Yeah... nothing good here.
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