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Search results

  1. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Catch the chinchou
  2. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Ignore luvdisc
  3. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Sorry. I will catch the makuhita and then transfer to the sea with it
  4. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Ignore geodude
  5. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    I will enter the mountain with my stantler
  6. E

    The Bank (2.0)

    Wasn't allowance supposed to be given on Friday, and if so, I would have 44 dollars.
  7. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    I get to choose the berry, right? If so, make it a kelpsy berry, and do I just tell the bank to withdraw 6 dollars or to transfer 6 to you? Sorry, I'm new
  8. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Catch, and I guess that means I'm done.
  9. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Ignore cubchoo
  10. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Ignore the phanpy
  11. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  12. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Ignore sableye
  13. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    ignore the elekid
  14. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Catch the steelix
  15. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Ignore the sneasel and I caught the sewaddle, making 2 pokeballs
  16. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    I'll catch that sewaddle, then transfer to the mountain
  17. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    ignore the dunsparce
  18. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Ignore that pineco
  19. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Ignore the caterpie
  20. E

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Ignore the chatot
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