• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Pal Park (v 3.0)

Capture: +45 Points
Inventory: Stantler (Female), Muk (Male), Pidove (Male), Sewaddle (Male), Steelix (Male), Yamask (Male)
Total Points: 1175

You have 1175 Points. This makes you eligible for: Grepa, Hondew, Kelpsy, Pomeg, Qualot, or Tamato Berry.
And your total: $6.

Spunky the Raichu
You don't have an account and I'm pretty sure Pichu can't learn Surf.

[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Grovyle (Male), Riolu (Male), Solosis (Male), Twistedspoon
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 780
Partner Pokémon: Oshawott
I get to choose the berry, right? If so, make it a kelpsy berry, and do I just tell the bank to withdraw 6 dollars or to transfer 6 to you? Sorry, I'm new
You do choose the berry. Normally the person who owns the area would make a post, and I don't even have to do that because I own the place.
Congratulations on completing the Catching Show! You have: Stantler (Female), Muk (Male), Pidove (Male), Sewaddle (Male), Steelix (Male), Yamask (Male) and a Kelpsy Berry.
Geodude Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 45
Partner Pokémon: Stantler

Yeah, I'm awful at remembering to do that too. Remind me later.
Drifloon Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Grovyle (Male), Riolu (Male), Solosis (Male), Twistedspoon
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 825
Partner Pokémon: Oshawott
Not sure. Point me to the link.
Rhyhorn Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Grovyle (Male), Riolu (Male), Solosis (Male), Twistedspoon
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 870
Partner Pokémon: Oshawott
I didn't realize that the Riolu you wanted to evolve was still not approved, actually. I'll change it to a Lucario this time, but in future remember to wait till the end of the Capture Show before doing anything with them.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Grovyle (Male), Lucario (Male), Solosis (Male), Twistedspoon
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 915
Partner Pokémon: Oshawott
Phanpy Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Grovyle (Male), Lucario (Male), Solosis (Male), Twistedspoon
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 960
Partner Pokémon: Oshawott

If there are posts between your previous and current one, please quote your status.
Makuhita Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 90
Partner Pokémon: Stantler
Capture: +45 Points
Luvdisc Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x5, Makuhita (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 180
Partner Pokémon: Makuhita
If there are posts between your previous and current one, please quote your status.
Capture: +45 Points
Diglett Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Grovyle (Male), Lucario (Male), Solosis (Male), Twistedspoon, Phanpy (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1050
Partner Pokémon: Oshawott

Chinchou Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x5, Makuhita (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 225
Partner Pokémon: Makuhita
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