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Search results

  1. Espeonrules

    The Clue Game

    SPPKnight: Eeternity:
  2. Espeonrules

    Swine Flu

    Heh, those comics are just too funny. But really, this Swine Flu epidemic is serious and people are just taking things seriously. Some take it a little too seriously, if you ask me. Plus, it's highly contagious, so it can spread easily. They're even considering quarentining people that have it...
  3. Espeonrules

    How many strings would you have to pull...

    Hmm...I don't see how either. And considering how large the Pokemon franchise is now, even if we did get a anime together and they air it, it'll probably just get dissed. Or Nintendo will yell at us for 'copyright infringement'. Unless somehow we get the equipment necessary and a team of...
  4. Espeonrules

    Things that make no sence in Pokemon

    The Pokemon world is merely a fantasy world and has no intentions of being "real" in any way possible. That's why a lot of things don't make sense in the anime, because it's not supposed to be like the world we live in. But I guess it's fun to pick out the weird stuff in the anime just the same...
  5. Espeonrules


    In FR/LG, it was easier to get them since you could buy them, as said above. In my opinion, I don't think there were any shortages of Pokemon that evolved from stones. If there are a lot of Pokemon that evolve from stones, then that means we have to buy/find more of them than we do now. To me...
  6. Espeonrules

    Have you caught a Feebas yet?

    I did go hunting for Feebas once, but after failed attempts I just gave up. (This was on my Emerald.) I was going to try again, but we went to visit my cousin and he had like, 10 of them. So I just traded. I didn't cheat on the Beauty part though. That's just ridiclulous though, all that work...
  7. Espeonrules

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    Well, I guess I meant to say that some, not all of the events in the anime were inaccurate from the games. For example, Pikachu's electric attacks somehow affect Ground type Pokemon. (One might remember that when facing Brock, Pikachu used electric attacks and with the sprinklers defeated...
  8. Espeonrules

    How you make money.

    I also use the E4 as a money making machine. However I'm pretty cheap, so I don't usually buy items unless I really have to. ^_^
  9. Espeonrules

    The Clue Game

    Hello, everyone! I've decided to join in, if you don't mind, and help out people that are stuck on clues I've already gotten. Dragon: By the way.....currently stuck on 27.....I'm looking on past pages for help, but if anyone knows the answer... er...hint, please? I know it has something to do...
  10. Espeonrules

    D/P/Pt Talk to your Rival on your birthday and...

    Haha..."Freaky Weird". That's an interesting pair of words. I'll have to try that sometime (if I remember....^_^).
  11. Espeonrules

    What originally drew you into Pokemon?

    Anime/Video Games. I started watching the anime when I was real little, and absolutely loved it. (It was the 1st Season) I got VHS tapes from the library and watched them for hours. That was how I first heard of Pokemon and got into it. The real obsession started was when I got my first Pokemon...
  12. Espeonrules

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    Here's my take on this: The 1st Season was the best. Lots of action, plots were unpredictable. Now....the anime is sort of falling apart. It's gotten boring, in my perspective. The plot is almost always the same, going something like this: 1) Ash and Co. are walking to some destination...
  13. Espeonrules

    Hello, All!

    Thanks everyone for the kind welcomes :) Recently I've been playing the games more and more. They are great games. Well, I knew that before, but oh well.
  14. Espeonrules

    Hardest pokemon to catch in third generation games?

    For me, the tough to find would be Skitty, Chimecho, Pikachu, and Heracross. Sometimes easy Pokemon like Wingull or Zigzagoon would take me a while. (Those would be my unlucky days...>_<) Yes, Pikachu's hard for some reason for me to find in the Safari Zone....darn things. Tough to capture...
  15. Espeonrules

    Is it just me or..........

    I'd have to say that either they meant it to be like that or coincidence.
  16. Espeonrules

    Best and worst-looking Shiny Pokémon?

    Re: Best and worst-looking Shiny Pokémon? I love anything that has blue on it (since blue is my favorite color), and I think Ponyta/Rapidash and Umbreon are one of the best blue shines. Anything neon or extremely bright I hate. Kind of like...Espeon. I don't like it's green color. Also I don't...
  17. Espeonrules

    What were you and your partner in PMD red and blue?

    In my first ever save file in PMD: Red Rescue Team I was an Eevee and my partner was Torchic. In my second save file on it I was a Chikorita and my partner was Cyndaquil.
  18. Espeonrules

    Is there going to be a Generation V?

    Generation V.....that's something to think about. Yes, they probably will, and Nintendo's probably already developing new Pokemon right about now. Of course if they are planning something, it probably isn't going to come out until a year or so later.
  19. Espeonrules

    The anime may, in fact, be deeper and more depressing than I thought...

    In my opinion, I thought that huge article was just plain weird. It didn't change my output on the anime though, but it was well thought out. Too much thought though, into something as innocent as the Pokemon anime. On the other hand, it made sense, in a way.... but I'm sure the people who made...
  20. Espeonrules

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Right now, I'm just playing Mario Kart on the Wii. In my opinion, it's a little better than the DS version.
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