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Search results

  1. G

    [NIGHT 3] Confused PokeMafia

    Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia Who'd you target, Worst Username Ever?
  2. G

    [NIGHT 3] Confused PokeMafia

    Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia I also targeted Worst Username Ever...and nothing has happened to him. Nominating Griffin.
  3. G

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Yes, I meant that one dose could draw half a temporary mod. And I say he has to wait for the ink to go away because the mixture of artificial ink and his natural ink results in a sort of messed-up mixture that can't be used for proper drawing. Hmm...actually, I...
  4. G

    Requests Open Super Spiffy Art Cave of... Art... Ness

    Hmm...I wonder what happened to rule four... Descritption: Anonomastos wrapped around the world, like the Firefox logo Background: Space? Color: Pencil or photoshop, whichever one works better-probably Photoshop, for the rainbow effect Words: Nope!
  5. G

    Bank of TCoD

    $41-$25=$16 new pokeymanz
  6. G

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [Vandal] Smeargle (M) Ability: Own Tempo Signature Attribute: Permanent Ink Vandal is an odd sort of Smeargle. He wants desperately for his art to be recognized and become well-known, not just as another generic Smeargle. As a result, before a match, he will dip...
  7. G

    ASB Rules

    I hope this wasn't asked before, but with Smeargle's Sketch, we can choose which moves get overwritten, right?
  8. G

    Multilingual Psychology

    I actually learned Chinese alongside English, so I can carry out a conversation reasonably well, although sometimes I mix up words when I can't think of the right idiom in a certain language. I wouldn't even know which one was my "mother tongue..."
  9. G

    One-Shot Made By God, Made By Man

    Hmm...they're characters in an RP I go on, actually. Actually, Huul and Ajor both came from the labs-that's why he has one milky white eye. He doesn't remember much about their past, except that they should stick together. His statement about "does not know enough about us" refers to Ajor and...
  10. G

    One-Shot Made By God, Made By Man

    "Who is God?" asked the voice. Huul sighed. He had thought this day would come. The anthropomorphic Kirund beside him looked curious, almost worried. Even through her monosyllabic, stilted speech pattern, he could feel it. "Who told you about God, Ajor?" he asked softly, turning around on the...
  11. G

    Bank of TCoD

  12. G

    The Challenge Board

    Okay, trying a challenge. 2v2 single Style: Set DQ: 1 week Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: 1 OHKO/trainer (only usable if your opponent is on their first Pokemon), 1 Chill/Pokemon, 1 Direct Healing/Pokemon, weather-altering moves Arena: Bronze Arena An oval arena, basically a plain sandy floor...
  13. G

    Finding your old stuff

    My old stuff is horrid. I couldn't even spell phonetically. (Apples as apaes? What was I thinking?) The only interesting thing I found was something that looks suspiciously similar to the plot of Ratatouille. Oh, and I wrote that way before the movie came out. :D
  14. G

    Descriptions of Pokemon?

    I usually use short descriptions. I reserve the more epic bits for attacks and such, because that is cooler. Oh, and on that topic, what do you guys think about describing attacks?
  15. G

    Black & White

    Whee, this should be interesting. I wonder how long it will be until 6-on-6 battles? :D I think my favorite is actually the pigeon Pokemon. It looks so normal and plain that it's cool. Or maybe I just like pigeons.
  16. G

    What's ironic or surprising in your Pokemon game?

    While playing Pokemon Gold/Silver (forgot which) on Singapore Airlines (it was one of the games included with the onboard computer...), I found a shiny Bellsprout. Meanwhile, one of my classmates, who has been playing Pokemon for years, has yet to find any shinies.
  17. G

    Pokemon Memorial Thread

    RIP my shiny Bellsprout from Gold/Silver (I forgot which), as well as all the rest. Darn it, why did the airplane have to have those games? I got so attached to those little pixels... T_T
  18. G

    Bank of TCoD

    $13+$3=$16. Money is good.
  19. G

    Your PC

    Griffin's PC Ekans [Slyth] Ekans (M) Obtained as starter
  20. G

    The Bank

    Opening an account, and I'll take an Ekans please! I assume it's male?
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