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Finding your old stuff

Aha, been searching through my Dad's backup files for a game I wanted to play, and found this. XD Its so bad...
The winds whistled as Zigzangoose saw the familiar figure walk towards her. Was she dreaming? She thought not, as Sytherking walked towards her.

“Its…you…” The feracat gasped, “You are alive”
Sytherking did not reply, his body motionless, his eyes showing no emotion.
“What’s the matter? Why wont you talk or move?”
A nidorina stepped from behind the scyther hybrid. The pokemon, which looked like a blue guinea pig said, “Run! This is no Sytherking you know! He’s holding me hostage! Run!”
“You be quiet!” The nidoking with scythes moved his scythes in the air, eyes gleaming a blood red, “I told you to stay quiet until I found her!”
He clashed his scythes together, then charged into the mongoose. Zigzangoose fell to the ground, moaning in pain. Sytherking was hurting her, trying to kill her, why? She rolled so her stomach saw the sky, and noticed the blue dragon with red wings fly down. On the salamence’s back was a pikachu and a venusaur. All pokemon tackled into Sytherking, and the salamence breathed out dragon flame. The scyther hybrid fell to the ground, knocked out.
“I am Darknight.” The salamence said, “Come with me.”
Zigzangoose hopped on the dragon, followed by the pikachu and venusaur, and they flew off to a strange mountain.

The mountain was brown and rocky. All of zigzangoose’s friends, including charchick, a torchic with a charmander’s flame, stood near the edge of the mountain. A xatu was standing on the edge of the mountain. He cawed at the falling sun, and then turned around.
“The setting of the sun. The start of a new saga. You, Zigzangoose. Your Sytherking is overwhelmed with power. Its too late. He has to be destroyed.”
“No! Why now!”
“Keh keh.” A gengar appeared from the shadows, followed by the peparisu and growleevee.
“Oh no!” Cyndapix coughed as the stench of sludge filled the air.
“What!” Zigzangoose screamed “We killed you growleevee! Twice!”
“The only way to kill this demon is through the new saga. A new saga, a new form, Zigzangoose. That’s how team rocket still lives.” Xatu said. He closed his eyes and the trio flew away, with a team rocket sparkle in the air. “Now. Where is pikeevee?” The little pikachu hybrid stood from the crowd, pikashrew by her side.
“What the..?” Zigzangoose said “How… come?”
“We are both pika hybrids, you know.” Pikeevee said.
“Go save the world, my love. When I bug someone, I will always think of you.” Pikashrew said, a tear forming in his eye.
“What’s going on!” Zigzangoose yelled, confused.
“Oh. You need to change your form by combing together. That’s the saga.” Xatu said, looking to the sun again, “You need to combine to beat…him. What pokemon type would you like to be?
“Water and grass” The two said.
“Very well. Lotad it is.” Xatu cawed as the two bodies turned into glowing balls of light. The two combined, and what was left was a sleeping Lotad.
“Her memory may be gone.” Xatu said, “Be careful. Her memory will come to her in time.” The group took her away, but Cyndapix remained.
“What do you want?” Xatu asked, raising his eyebrow.
“A new form! I want to be a vulpix with flames on her back!” The fire fox with flames on her back said.
“Aren’t you already one?” Xatu pondered.
“No! I wanna be a Cyndapix! I wanna be a Cyndapix!” Cyndapix wined.
“Fine.” Cyndapix’s body glowed blue, then faded back to Cyndapix.
“Wow, I feel like a new me! Thank you!” Cyndapix ran off, singing the doom song.
“I hope that Lotad can get her memories in time.” Xatu thought, “Sytherking is sure to hunt her down. She may not be strong enough.”

“Where am I?” Lotad thought, as she awoke to a big bustling room full of pokemon.
“You are awake!” A skitty with pikachu ears said, “I’m skitichu .I don’t know if you can remember, but me and Cyndapix here…” She pointed to a fox with flames on her back, “Where your best buddies. And all of us here used to be your friends.”
“I do reconise you strangely.” Lotad said, in a squeaky high-pitched voice.
“I bet you wont reconise me, uncommon person.” A persian with angelic articuno wings flew into the room. Lotad looked into his eyes, frowning. A few seconds passed.
“Person…who calls me uncommon person? I faintly remember. Persicuno?” The persian did a loop the loop in the air. “How did I get like this? Who am I?”
“You have come to save us.” Cyndapix said. All the other pokemon left after that. Cyndapix followed the crowd.
Lotad was tired, and drifted back to sleep.
“… Where am I now?” Lotad thought as she saw a green light. A black eevee walked towards her.
“You must know… you will find out on your own.” It said, eyes glowing like the moon on it’s forehead, before fading away.
“Wait!” Lotad said, before realising she was awake. She toddled around the room, looking at the sign. “Team thunder” it read, “Darknight the salamence, Pikastar the pikachu and Elizabeth the venusaur.” Lotad left the house and saw a bird pokemon, pelliper, flew over. It gave her a paper, and then flew off.
She read the paper:
News extra!
Hero recognises friends!
The Lotad, our hero, is getting her memories back, one by one!
She can reconise her friends and the Persicuno who works at our bank.
Xatu said “Phew”

“Xatu? Hm…” Lotad put the paper in the mailbox near the house. “Better get myself a house. I cant sleep in team thunder’s base all my life.” She thought, then walked towards pokemon square.

Pokemon square was a busy, bustling place, with pokemon of all types walking around. Lotad saw a charizard giving money to Persicuno. She saw an onix practicing his rockslide with a gulpin watching. She saw a mudkip talking to a wigglytuff behind a counter. She saw a pikachu buying goods off two kecleon, and a dragonite putting them away in a kangaskhan’s pouch. Then she turned and saw a machop with two mankey building a house.
“Hey, can I buy this house?” Lotad asked, “I have 1000 poke.”
“No money needed!” Machop laughed, “Its free! Pokemon government told us to make houses, get rid of homeless fools!”
“Ok.” Machop showed her to a Lotad shaped house, with a Lotad beak as the door. Lotad came inside, and then exited. “Its nice. Thank you!”
Machop looked at the Lotad, then started thinking. A few minutes passed, then he asked, “Are you the legendary Lotad?”
“That, I am” Lotad said sadly, “Its really pressuring.”
“Let me join you.” Machop held up a piece of wood. “Its for the good of the world.”
“I guess so.” Lotad said, “I have no choice, do I?”
“Ok. What should our team be then?”
“Team madness.” Lotad said confidently.
My old stuff is horrid. I couldn't even spell phonetically. (Apples as apaes? What was I thinking?) The only interesting thing I found was something that looks suspiciously similar to the plot of Ratatouille. Oh, and I wrote that way before the movie came out. :D
I remember my old fic Legend's Rage, that I revamped after logging on to FF.net and actually rereading it.

It was on here, before the forum crash... A pity I can't find it and spazz over how sucky it was. I think the last three chapters actually were decent compared to the mess of everything else. :P
I have one of my old fics left over from like... 2005.
I can't even begin to express how /bad/ it was. Bad punctuation, horrendous spelling, no capitalization, Mary-Sues, complete disregard for canon...

And then you have the lovely mess that was Viral, from back in 2007 that I co-wrote with someone else who I... quite honestly hate now. Although, that one is salvageable. It had a neat concept, although I'm not sure how I'd explain it in a sentence right now, but again, bad grammar and spelling, Mary Sues... but less so.
Of anything I wrote back then, that's about the only one I'd like to start over and rework completely.

Those certainly aren't the only two examples, but most of the rest were lost a long time ago, and if I found them, based on just those two examples, I think I'd have to go back in time and beat up my past self for being so /bad/. ><
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