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Search results

  1. G

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    Re: Behind the Avatar Rawr, a better photo of me. Also, I have a t-shirt with a chibi Rambo on it. XD
  2. G

    The CoD Monotype Challenge

    Re: The TCoD Monotype Challenge Journal Entry #1 Name: Masaki ID Number: 41932 Money: 5336 Badges Obtained: 1 Pokédex: 2 Time: 2:00 Successfully defeated Brock at the first attempt. He chose to use his level 12 Geodude first off, and I sent out Shokubutsu, my level 14 Bulbasaur and only...
  3. G

    Pokémon Puzzle League

    Re: Pokémon Puzzle League I actually found the cartridge for it this morning! I'm considering digging out my N64 just for the lulz of playing it. (But then I'd have to put it away once I've bought Brawl tomorrow. D<)
  4. G

    Screw the header. Screw you all.

    Min svenska är inte så bra. -_-
  5. G

    So, zombies are animated corpses, right? (A Zombie Survival Plan)

    We take Pete's car, drive over to mum's, we go in, take care of Phillip, then we grab mum, we go over to Liz's place, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold? 8D
  6. G

    Three word story

    ...in a bunker...
  7. G

    Three word story

    of Death Moons
  8. G

    Animeexpansion comics (NSFW)

    Re: weird I would probably think that the vertebrae are pulled apart and then the expanding flesh fills in the gaps. But then that means all sorts of problems with the spinal cord and the CNS. >>
  9. G

    Weirdest evolution

    I can see sense in Carvanha -> Sharpedo - piranha to shark. Small man-eating fish to large man-eating fish. Though obviously both interpretations of these fish are based on the Hollywood portrayals of them. ._.
  10. G

    New Laptop

    Congratulations! A winner is you! When my last desktop crashed, most of the sprites saved on there were godawful. X3
  11. G

    Animeexpansion comics (NSFW)

    Re: weird It helps not to acknowledge the laws of science in these cases. You have to be careful not to further ignore them in real life; gravity can be a bugger.
  12. G

    Interesting facts you know

    Septuplets, if I recall correctly. Attack Forme Deoxys has the same Defence and Special Defence as Carvanha.
  13. G

    Platinum Discussion

    The original comment made was that Platinum looked like it was going to be the best third game since Emerald, but that's obvious, as it's the only third game since Emerald. The person who questioned about Yellow and Crystal misunderstood the original statement. I COME WITH SWORD OF JUSTICE TO...
  14. G

    Tell me something that's...

    Stilton. ...What? Tell me something meme-worthy.
  15. G

    Tell me something that's...

    Tentacool. Tell me something that makes you laugh.
  16. G

    Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

    Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type Bug - Scizor Poison - Crobat Fire - Arcanine Water - Empoleon Ice - Froslass Electric - Magnezone Normal - Ditto Flying - Staraptor Steel - Metagross Dragon - Salamence Fighting - Infernape Rock - Rhyperior Ground - Flygon Psychic - Metagross Ghost - Dusknoir...
  17. G

    Tell me something that's...

    Not being sleepy at twenty to two in the morning. D: Tell me something loud.
  18. G

    The Legend of Zelda

    I loved Wind Waker. I thought it had one of the best gameplay systems in the series. Incidentally it's the only Zelda game I've completed, despite owning Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princes. =_=
  19. G

    Is there going to be a Generation V?

    Nintendo aren't going to drop second best-selling video game franchise ever any time soon. Of course there'll be a Gen V.
  20. G

    Should zombies be refunded? O_O

    I like doing athletics and being smart. >D
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