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Search results

  1. EmeraldLeafBlade


    I've never read it. But it's like a friggin' fad at my school. EVERYBODY'S reading it orb one of the sequels. That's probably why I haven't tried it. xP Well, that and because I've heard about as many positive things about it as Eragon.
  2. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Songs you cant stand

    Souja Boy kills my ears every time I'm forced to hear it. Most pop, too... and I despise HSM and all songs in it. Well, I heard rumors of a Pokemon song being in it... is this true?
  3. EmeraldLeafBlade

    How Long Until Fifth Gen?

    I have a feeling Gen 4's going to be even longer than 3... and 3 was LONG. Like... four years. O-o The D/P anime seems to be going along slower than Hoenn so far. It'll be years before we see a Gen 5 Pokemon, I'm sure.
  4. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Who wants a Pokemon GSC Remake?

    I'm all in favor of a G/S/C remake. Of course, I'm all in favor of any new Pokemon games. XD Seriously though... Johto's the only region that hasn't been on a system newer than the GBC. Yet it's the most popular with most fans. Seems like a recipe for a moneymaker there. Plus... I want a...
  5. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Has Pokemon ever embarrassed you?

    What's with all the people being grounded for bringing Pokemon games to school? I have and played them on the bus since fifth grade, and my parents don't care. I'm afraid I'll be in the middle of a battle without saving beforehand when getting to school, though... ouch. That happened to a friend...
  6. EmeraldLeafBlade

    What Games Are You Playing?

    GameBoy: Pokemon Red Version (Chosen team), Pokemon Blue Version (normal) GameBoy Color: Pokemon Gold Version (Chosen Team) GameBoy Advance: Pokemon Ruby Version (Scramble challenge), FireRed (I think Scramble, can't remember XD), Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak...
  7. EmeraldLeafBlade


    In the D/P episode with the Unown, I could swear Piplup yelled "Pochama!" when they were falling down the stairs into the building. In the Kanto episode "The Flame Pokemon-athon" Squirtle says "Zeni...Zeni..." at one point. You can also hear one of the Japanese endings, uncut, as Ash and...
  8. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Has Pokemon ever embarrassed you?

    Well, once in science I was supposed to write down "humans and dinosaurs never lived together". Instead of "dinosaurs", I started to write "Pokemon". I fixed my mistake immediately and no one noticed, but I was still somewhat embarrassed. I thought I lost my Sapphire on the bus. I scrambled...
  9. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Weirdest Sprite!

    Pretty much what everyone else posted. Palkia's back sprite is scary. MACHOP ARMPIT FARTS. Crystal Sudowoodo and female D/P Wobbufett... just plain scary. O_o;;; LOL@Crystal Spearow. XDDD
  10. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Axe-Murderer style

    Thanks a lot Butterfree! This style is much, much better than the plain 'ol white Dewgong style. :grin: I think Mew should be next. >:(
  11. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Pokemon 151

    The first thing that popped into my head was "Marketed to the 16 year olds who think the series sucked after Kanto and only like the original 151 Pokemon". Would like a mature Dialga shirt here.
  12. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    Duh. It sucked after Kanto. Everrrrrrrrrrrryyyone knows that. It's a FACT. ... Kidding. I always have to poke fun at the YouTube Kanto-obsessors. Spoiler: Everyone hates the new voice actors NOT because of their ability, BUT BEACUSE THEY'RE USED TO THE OLD ONES. Another spoiler: Everyone...
  13. EmeraldLeafBlade


    Does anyone remember Hamtaro? I sure do! And I still love it! They're going to bring the DS game Ham-Ham Challenge to the US, meaning there's a chance the show will come back as well. I certainly hope so.
  14. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Cutest Pokemon?

    The Pichu line, Pachirisu, Plusle and Minun, most of the starters, Mew... There are a lot of cute Pokemon. ^^
  15. EmeraldLeafBlade

    What's your favorite Grass Starter?

    Treecko and Chikorita, I love 'em both. <3 Honestly, I can't choose one. I have more good memories with Chikorita (I beat Bugsy on Crystal using one ALONE), but Treecko's cooler.
  16. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Are you right-handed or left-handed?

    Right-handed. I have horrible handwriting in general, but writing with my left would put a preschooler to shame.
  17. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Sexual Orientation

    I'm not completely sure yet, but I'll say bi.
  18. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Your Favorite Animal?

    Foxes, probably. They're so beautiful and majestic... <3
  19. EmeraldLeafBlade

    What would your name have been had you been born the opposite gender?

    Interesting question. Probably one of my little brothers names, James or Robert, or after someone from my mom's side of the family.
  20. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

    Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type I can't choose absolute favorites, so I'll just post some that come to mind. Bug Favorite: Butterfree, Scyther Dark Favorite: Sneasel/Weavile, Mightyena, Absol, Murkrow, Darkrai, Umbreon Dragon Favorite: Dialga, Palkia, Dragonair, Flygon, Salamence Electric...
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