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Search results

  1. Articuno

    Types Advantages and Disadvantages

    Why does dragon beat dragon?
  2. Articuno

    Pokemon Name Game

  3. Articuno

    The Prediction Game

    Correct I predict the next person leiks mudkipz.
  4. Articuno

    The Brown Fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    Stupid mudkips liked a mud pie.
  5. Articuno

    The Brown Fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    Stupid Mudkips ate a mud pie.
  6. Articuno

    The Brown Fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    Stupid Jolteons ate a Mud smoothie.
  7. Articuno

    The Brown Fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    Stupid Jolteons ate a berry equation.
  8. Articuno

    The Brown Fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    Drunk Jolteons ate an Algebra equation.
  9. Articuno


  10. Articuno

    Ok Now I get it.

    Ok Now I get it.
  11. Articuno

    Open Guardians of the Demons and Deities (REVAMPED - GO TO LOUNGE FOR OOC THREAD OF REVAMPED ONE)

    Re: Guardians of the Demons and Deities (GOOD SIGN-UPS CLOSED) Name: Articuno Age: Can range from 6 to 21 Gender: Male Personality: Selfish, Quiet Side: Evil Birthday: 10/4 Power: Ice Bio/Backstory :I live on the Seafoam Islands as the legendary bird of ice. Im mad that trainers keep coming...
  12. Articuno

    Grocery Store!

    Sorry They were out. Heres a choice band instead. I would like a choice specs from the store.
  13. Articuno

    What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You?

    Re: What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You? * 35% Gamer. You have some interest in Pokémon gaming. * 30% Animé-freak. You have some interest in the Pokémon animé. * 80% Pokémon Know-it-all. You have a burning interest in researching Pokémon. * 55% Obsessed. Pokémon is...
  14. Articuno

    The Brown Fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    Drunk Kingdras ate an Algebra equation.
  15. Articuno

    Pokemon Name Game

  16. Articuno

    Pokemon Name Game

  17. Articuno

    Grocery Store!

    They were out, heres a bag of wacan berries instead. Can i have a salac berry?
  18. Articuno

    The Brown Fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    Meowing Kingdras ate a Algebra Test.
  19. Articuno

    Pokemon Name Game

  20. Articuno

    Pokemon Name Game

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