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Search results

  1. Elliekat

    Nerd herd

    Oooh, RespectTheBlade, another SciOly person! I do Science Olympiad and am in my school's Anime Club :) Congrats, shadow_lugia! Sounds fun!
  2. Elliekat

    What's ironic or surprising in your Pokemon game?

    A level 3 Bidoof attacked my level 74 Scyther when I had a Repel on and I was walking to the middle of a grass patch to start a chain. >> (I know because I didn't think I had a repel on and I went to put on another, and it said "the effects of another Repel still linger". STALKER BIDOOF.)
  3. Elliekat


    I'm wondering about all of you- have you generally always known you perceived stuff that way, or were you like me and read the article and were like, "wait, I think this too"? I read a book or article about someone with synesthesia one time and was all 'wow it would be kinda cool to have this'...
  4. Elliekat


    I associate colors with the sounds of some words and letters, sometimes based on what they mean ('sunny' is yellow) and sometimes not (so is 'Wednesday' and the letter A.) Also that one where months and numbers have geographical locations. 2008 is farther away than 2007. (2007 is also yellow, orz)
  5. Elliekat

    What's ironic or surprising in your Pokemon game?

    A Meditite in the Battle Arcade in my SoulSilver had the poison icon on, but never took poison damage. The next one in the trainer's lineup did, though. o.O
  6. Elliekat

    Reverse Racism?

    Well, I have to say that this thread really opened my eyes a bit on the stereotype/racism thing. For one, I realized that I do think of black women sometimes as poor or "drama queens" and saw Asian people as smart and awkward. Now I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't happen (and I now feel...
  7. Elliekat

    Ground Zero Mosque

    My brother is 14, but yes, he is very ill-informed. He pretty much hears all the political stuff from our dad and then twists it. It's quite sad.
  8. Elliekat

    Ground Zero Mosque

    My brother says: "The reason why Obama supports it isn't really just freedom, it's because he's a Kenyan Muslim. OBAMA BIN LADIN IS RUINING OUR COUNTRY!" (he's standing right next to me saying this. I think this should be enough. :P I do support it though, if we oppose this, what happens to...
  9. Elliekat

    PersonalDNA Personality Tests

    I'm a Generous Experiencer. :3 I have more femininity than masculinity, but they're both pretty low :P
  10. Elliekat

    What do you want to see in the 5th gen?

  11. Elliekat

    Black & White

    FFFFFF- But I liked the slots ;-; Remember in RS when you could play roulette? Fun times XD Maybe they'll make it like Voltorb Flip in that you can only win more coins, but they'll put the slots back in. That removes the "gambling" aspect, correct?
  12. Elliekat

    Black & White

    YES YES YES No more of what happened in SS where I needed more than one Ice Beam TM so I had to play the stupid game for DAYYYYYYYS D:
  13. Elliekat

    Black & White

    Shikijia or whatever it is is definitely going on my team if I can get it in Summer form.
  14. Elliekat

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    I just got a new haircut, I'll post a picture as soon as I find my camera :P
  15. Elliekat

    Black & White

    YEAH- wait Also the chess thing sounds... original :D Not just "Admins" and "slightly better grunts" or whatever they were called.
  16. Elliekat

    Black & White

    THANK YOU LORD NO ZUBATS AND GEODUDES AND RATTATAS AND AAAAHHHHHH ..although that means no Meowth on my in-game team :'(
  17. Elliekat

    What do you want to see in the 5th gen?

    Even if they just had a Team-Rocket-1st-gen kinda thing, where they're only there to give you some obstacles and a boss battle, not a "plot" designed to force you into capturing a legendary. That would be nice as well, it's been long enough.
  18. Elliekat

    Black & White

    Yeah, if Luvdisc gets an evo, that messes up my Luvdisc evo Valentorus (which was like an eel coiled into a heart shape.) DARN YOU GAME FREAK
  19. Elliekat

    Black & White

    I like the Psychic-Fire typing. More love for fire types is what these games need. No one wants a repeat of Diamond and Pearl.
  20. Elliekat

    Nope, sorry :P I'm pretty sure some others have thought that too, the truth is I made it for a...

    Nope, sorry :P I'm pretty sure some others have thought that too, the truth is I made it for a rainbow-themed spriting contest on GPX+ XD I don't even know who that is but apparently I accidentally made him into a Crobat XD
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