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Search results

  1. Elliekat


    Chai tea! It is delicious and awesome and yay! Also coffee with like as much cream as you can get in it without it becoming a latte.
  2. Elliekat

    Black & White

    Hmm, I must have mixed them up XD But still, Focus Punch for Claw Sharpen? Well, at least False Swipe is still a TM. Unlimited legendary-catching-helpers for everyone!
  3. Elliekat

    Black & White

    What!? But Focus Punch has always been number one!
  4. Elliekat

    Black & White

    Crap, this had better be a prank, because if it's not, then that sucks. I won't have any refs for drawing!
  5. Elliekat

    Black & White

    I'm probably going to play a ROM for Black and then buy White when it comes out.
  6. Elliekat

    Planned Teams for Black and White?

    There are too many that I want, but that dark type cat is definitely on.
  7. Elliekat

    Black & White

    Those levels ARE pretty ridiculous. On the bright side, there's apparently a new, lower shiny rate which I'm pretty happy about. Also, there is a cat. I WANT IT.
  8. Elliekat

    Black & White

    Oh, yay, Blaziken is actually good now!
  9. Elliekat

    Black & White

    Awww, I wanted to try a ROM this time. Although I heard that was just during the tutorial that you don't gain EXP, but ahh what do I know.
  10. Elliekat

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I did sign up for it this year, but I have no idea which plot line I'm going to follow for my story. Right now I have three: 1. Lirye is a teenage girl in an alternate future, where college has been replaced by Life City, where all people ages 15 to 20 go to live in the 'real world'. She...
  11. Elliekat


    Yes, it's THE Rose Bowl parade! And OF COURSE I will take pictures! I'm excited already, even though it's not for a long time! And um I don't want to give away my school, but when the movie I Am Number Four comes out... they filmed the movie at my high school <3
  12. Elliekat


  13. Elliekat


    Cream soda, root beer and ginger ale are my favorites <3
  14. Elliekat

    Alex Day/nerimon

    I follow the Alex Reads Twilight on Youtube :D
  15. Elliekat

    Black & White

    Wait what I am confuuuuuused D:
  16. Elliekat

    Black & White

    Well, I was thinking about getting Mijumaru.... but these have pretty much cemented me into Tsutaja.
  17. Elliekat

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    (Some of these pictures are sideways) Me on the first day of school :D My brother, me, my dad on a boat What am I even doing here Me and my cousin with box turtles that we found My brother and I with turtles First day avec puppy :)
  18. Elliekat

    PersonalDNA Personality Tests

    My brother took it and he's a Genuine Director.
  19. Elliekat

    Painful nostalgia.

    Man, my first forums EVERRRR were on this cat breeding sim with a slow forum called Pure Felinity, in like 2008. (The site's still going, I just got back into it like yesterday ^-^) Anyway I clearly remember not knowing what 'bumping' a topic meant, so I posted "bump" on this one random thread...
  20. Elliekat

    Nerd herd

    I got first place in Ecology in both regionals and States last year, and also first in Division B Bio-process Lab. I've also done Crave the Wave (when it was an event) and I had to sub for someone once in Solar System. I'm just moving to Division C this year, and I'm definitely doing Ecology...
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