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Search results

  1. A

    Grass King vs Blazheirio889

    Grass King's Active Squad: Turtwig; [Arbre] (M) <Overgrow> Trapinch; [Sandy] (F) <Hyper Cutter> Poliwhirl; [Tadpole] (F) <Water Absorb> | Hold item: King's Rock Shinx; [Simba] (M) <Intimidate> Poochyena; [Set] (M) <Quick Feet> | Hold item: Blackglasses Smeargle; [Leonardo da Vinci] (M) <Own...
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    The Challenge Board

    I'd like to take Grass King vs blazeheirio889, and Psymon vs Empoleon. Threads will be up in a couple of minutes. lalalala Dragon already has Psymon vs Empoleon, so I'll take Skymin vs Prettzel instead. :x
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    Astral vs Wyvern

    Thanks, Grass King. :3 Let's go with Rotia, my Taillow!
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    Jack_the_PumpkinKing vs Astral

    We're off to an awesome start, Pirrk! :D Gohma's sleep should probably buy us a little bit of time, so let's take advantage of that. First, pump it up a bit more with another Curse. And then let's follow that with a Trick Room; then we'll have the stuff. Finally, finish that up with a Zen...
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    Bank of TCoD

    Argh; I apologize. I don't think I ever read that correctly.. I only saw something about a Saturday, not about the paychecks being posted. Gah. *hangs head in shame*
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    The Challenge Board

    If anyone wants a quick battle.. *wink wink nudge nudge* 1vs1 (do I have to tell you it's Single? ;o;) DQ Time: Well, I'd like to think this will be a fast match, so I'm going to mix it up and put 5 days. Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: OHKOs, 6 chills/healing moves altogether Arena: Rhotus Field...
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    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Yeah. The simple effect was a bit of an afterthought; it did seem a bit too much. I did mean "easy target".. I probably just used the wrong words, which I do sometimes. D; Anyways.. [Pirrk] slowpoke (F) Ability: Own Tempo SA: Dual-Minded Pirrk is, like the...
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    Referee Headquarters

    Okay, thanks Negrek. -- Zhorken's Party [ O ] Milotic Mili'raei [F] Health: 79% Energy: 50% Status: A bit dizzy and disoriented from the energy loss. Commands: Mirror Coat/Chill/Recover ~ Mirror Coat/Chill/Recover ~ Mirror Coat/Chill/Recover - Honalululand's Party [ O ] Chinchou Nola [F]...
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    Referee Headquarters

    For the Novice mock, Nola is a Chinchou, right? I dunno if it's just me, but it says something like "(Posted Image)" where the name of the species is. I'd assume so due to the Spark commands of the previous round, but I'd just like to confirm. Thanks.
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    Bank of TCoD

    Buying a Torkoal 21 - 15 = $6
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    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office I'd like to purchase [Waka] torkoal (M) bank link; also, I've got a signature attribute, too [Pirrk] slowpoke (F) Ability: Own Tempo SA: Dual-Minded Pirrk is, like the rest of her kind, rather slow minded. She moves slow, she eats slow, she breathes slow, she...
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    Jack_the_PumpkinKing vs Astral

    Right. Pirrk, since I'm almost totally sure that you're going to not be fast enough to pull off a Safeguard on the first turn, I'd like you to go ahead and use Yawn. After that, use Curse, and then we'll finish up with a Zen Headbutt. Yawn ~ Curse ~ Zen Headbutt
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    Jack_the_PumpkinKing vs Astral

    Aack, I can't believe I didn't notice this. :x Well, I'm still under a week, so I'll send out my Slowpoke, Pirrk. :3
  14. A

    :D Glad I looked at the site today. :3

    :D Glad I looked at the site today. :3
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    Bank of TCoD

    18 + 3 = $21 Man, the weeks fly by. :/
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    Bank of TCoD

    15 + 3 = $18 Collecting allowance, if I may. :3
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    Bank of TCoD

    $12 + $3 = $15
  18. A

    Bank of TCoD

    9 + 3 = $12 :D
  19. A

    Stupidest way to get thrown out of a hotel

    That's a secret. <(^^,)>
  20. A

    Referee Headquarters

    So it's okay if I still get a Novice mock in by the end of today? Or, at least, before you grade them?
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