2vs2 Single
Switch Style
DQ Time: Standard week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned/Restricted Moves: Attract/Infatuation-inducing moves, OHKO moves, Chills 6/Pokemon
Arena: Closed Void - Rubix Cube
The arena is sealed off in a 40-foot wide sphere that holds a sort of atmosphere. The sphere is a force field that is approximately 12 feet off of the flat surface of the Rubix Cube inside. During the top of the rotation, the sphere is approximately 6 feet off of the cube. Normal gravity is applicable through all sides of the cube; meaning, you can move normally from any side of the cube to a side that touches. Any Pokémon that makes contact with the force field is flung downwards and onto the cube, dealing 5%-7% damage. On the cube, however, the real fun begins.
The cube is infinitely rotating; at least one section of the cube must be moving at all times. The cube does not move fast enough to knock a decently sized Pokémon off, but light Pokémon (say, around 8 pounds or so; there's a list here) are knocked off easily. However, the cube does move fast enough to disrupt ranged attacks; if the Pokémon is attacking while the cube begins to move (with them standing on the moving part) the attack is disrupted, and it becomes difficult for the attacker to hit the opponent; therefore, the accuracy of the attack is dropped by 10%. The rotating parts of the cube also make for decent defensive shields; when being attacked by a ranged attack, and a part of the cube rotates in front of the attack, the ranged attack is negated as if by Protect. The move Feint strikes through the cube, as do Ghost-type moves, and moves that have an area of effect.
It is impossible to burrow through the cube, so the move Dig is useless. However, it is possible to dig claws, etc. into the cube, so as to get a firm grip. Also, so is the move Dive, as there is no water on the cube. I can't think of any other move restrictions that would apply here, so that's that.
During the battle, there is a chance that the Rubix Cube may solve itself (a 10% chance per round). If that happens, a bright flash of light will emit from the cube, and a countdown will begin. The countdown lasts throughout one round (i.e., 10, 9, 8, etc. through one round). On the round succeeding the countdown, the Rubix Cube will begin to re-jumble itself at an incredible speed. Unless the Pokémon is flying or has a good grip on the cube, all Pokémon that are smaller than heavyweight (defined on the link above) are flung around the arena, taking small damage from contact with the force field and cube (as defined by the ref). All flying Pokémon are susceptible to damage, although if they are quick enough, they can dodge most of the rotations with a little bit of effort (5-15% of energy - the slower it is, the more energy required). Any ground-based Pokémon that succeed in holding onto the cube will not take any damage; however, the spinning caused by the rotations will cause them to get dizzy, and be confused. A Pokémon that is ground-based but does not have any footholds will slide around the cube, flying off if struck by a rotating part. The re-jumbling of the cube only lasts for one round; after that round, the arena returns to normal. The Rubix Cube cannot solve itself more than twice in the whole match.
I'm pretty sure I covered just about everything, but this is my first one ever, so bear with me if the percentages are a little too high/low, or I messed something up. ;D
Additional Rules: I would like for no final evolutions to be used in the match; first-stage and second-stage Pokémon are fine. Pokémon with only one stage (i.e. Absol, Lapras) are okay as well.
Astral's Squad said:[Valor] phanpy (♂)
Ability: Pickup
Signature Attribute: A Different Outlook
[Pirrk] slowpoke (♀)
Ability: Own Tempo
[Eretus] grimer (♂)
Ability: Stench
[Rotia] taillow (♂)
Ability: Guts
[Z] zangoose (♀)
Ability: Immunity
Jack_the_PumpkinKing's Squad said:[Queen Gohma] Bulbasaur (F) <Overgrow>
[King Dodongo] Rhyhorn (M) <Rock Head>
[Barinade] Tentacool (F) <Liquid Ooze>
1. Astral sends out
2. Jack_the_PumpkinKing sends out and attacks
3. Astral attacks