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Jack_the_PumpkinKing vs Astral


busy dizzy lazy
Staff member
2vs2 Single
Switch Style
DQ Time: Standard week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned/Restricted Moves: Attract/Infatuation-inducing moves, OHKO moves, Chills 6/Pokemon
Arena: Closed Void - Rubix Cube

The arena is sealed off in a 40-foot wide sphere that holds a sort of atmosphere. The sphere is a force field that is approximately 12 feet off of the flat surface of the Rubix Cube inside. During the top of the rotation, the sphere is approximately 6 feet off of the cube. Normal gravity is applicable through all sides of the cube; meaning, you can move normally from any side of the cube to a side that touches. Any Pokémon that makes contact with the force field is flung downwards and onto the cube, dealing 5%-7% damage. On the cube, however, the real fun begins.

The cube is infinitely rotating; at least one section of the cube must be moving at all times. The cube does not move fast enough to knock a decently sized Pokémon off, but light Pokémon (say, around 8 pounds or so; there's a list here) are knocked off easily. However, the cube does move fast enough to disrupt ranged attacks; if the Pokémon is attacking while the cube begins to move (with them standing on the moving part) the attack is disrupted, and it becomes difficult for the attacker to hit the opponent; therefore, the accuracy of the attack is dropped by 10%. The rotating parts of the cube also make for decent defensive shields; when being attacked by a ranged attack, and a part of the cube rotates in front of the attack, the ranged attack is negated as if by Protect. The move Feint strikes through the cube, as do Ghost-type moves, and moves that have an area of effect.

It is impossible to burrow through the cube, so the move Dig is useless. However, it is possible to dig claws, etc. into the cube, so as to get a firm grip. Also, so is the move Dive, as there is no water on the cube. I can't think of any other move restrictions that would apply here, so that's that.

During the battle, there is a chance that the Rubix Cube may solve itself (a 10% chance per round). If that happens, a bright flash of light will emit from the cube, and a countdown will begin. The countdown lasts throughout one round (i.e., 10, 9, 8, etc. through one round). On the round succeeding the countdown, the Rubix Cube will begin to re-jumble itself at an incredible speed. Unless the Pokémon is flying or has a good grip on the cube, all Pokémon that are smaller than heavyweight (defined on the link above) are flung around the arena, taking small damage from contact with the force field and cube (as defined by the ref). All flying Pokémon are susceptible to damage, although if they are quick enough, they can dodge most of the rotations with a little bit of effort (5-15% of energy - the slower it is, the more energy required). Any ground-based Pokémon that succeed in holding onto the cube will not take any damage; however, the spinning caused by the rotations will cause them to get dizzy, and be confused. A Pokémon that is ground-based but does not have any footholds will slide around the cube, flying off if struck by a rotating part. The re-jumbling of the cube only lasts for one round; after that round, the arena returns to normal. The Rubix Cube cannot solve itself more than twice in the whole match.

I'm pretty sure I covered just about everything, but this is my first one ever, so bear with me if the percentages are a little too high/low, or I messed something up. ;D

Additional Rules: I would like for no final evolutions to be used in the match; first-stage and second-stage Pokémon are fine. Pokémon with only one stage (i.e. Absol, Lapras) are okay as well.
Astral's Squad said:
[Valor] phanpy (♂)
Ability: Pickup
Signature Attribute: A Different Outlook

[Pirrk] slowpoke (♀)
Ability: Own Tempo

[Eretus] grimer (♂)
Ability: Stench

[Rotia] taillow (♂)
Ability: Guts

[Z] zangoose (♀)
Ability: Immunity
Jack_the_PumpkinKing's Squad said:
[Queen Gohma] Bulbasaur (F) <Overgrow>
[King Dodongo] Rhyhorn (M) <Rock Head>
[Barinade] Tentacool (F) <Liquid Ooze>

1. Astral sends out
2. Jack_the_PumpkinKing sends out and attacks
3. Astral attacks
Aack, I can't believe I didn't notice this. :x

Well, I'm still under a week, so I'll send out my Slowpoke, Pirrk. :3
I'll send out Queen Gohma, my Bulbasaur!

Use Toxic, Leech Seed, and Seed Bomb! If Pirrk Protects, put up a Light Screen. If she Protects a second time, use Reflect.

Toxic/Light Screen ~ Leech Seed/Light Screen/Reflect ~ Seed Bomb/Light Screen/Reflect
Right. Pirrk, since I'm almost totally sure that you're going to not be fast enough to pull off a Safeguard on the first turn, I'd like you to go ahead and use Yawn. After that, use Curse, and then we'll finish up with a Zen Headbutt.

Yawn ~ Curse ~ Zen Headbutt
Like many arenas favored by TCoD's ASBattlers, the Rubix Cube is a strange and lonely place. What bizarre ancient culture might have built such a totem and set if floating in emptiness is unknown, but it lingers on today. Its segments are in constant motion as it constantly works towards a solution, then re-scrambles itself as soon as one is found.

Today, the cube has visitors. Two trainers and a referee blink into existence on its surface, teleported in by a league-owned abra. The little psychic type disappears in a flash of rainbow light, and the three humans split up, heading for different edges of the face they've landed on. The artificial atmosphere doesn't have a lot of clearance on the cube, but as none of these segments are rotating at the moment, at least all of them can stand comfortably without risking their head being stuck out into airless space.

At the referee's signal, Astral is the first to send out a pokémon. Pirrk the slowpoke appears by his feet, her white-tipped tail dangling out over the edge of the cube. Pirrk doesn't appear to notice, her eyes still unfocused as she only gradually becomes aware of the world around her. Meanwhile, Jack_the_PumkinKing is selecting a pokémon of his own. Gohma the bulbasaur appears on his side of the field, looking much more alert than the sluggish Pirrk. As the trainers begin to give their orders, Gohma is tense and ready to go, while Pirrk still doesn't appear to know what's going on.

Round One

Astral (OO)
Pirrk (F)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- A bit confused.

Jack_the_PumpkinKing (OO)
Gohma (F)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Ready to go.

Gohma, naturally, is much swifter on the uptake than Pirrk, and is already starting to brew a nasty toxic concoction at the back of her throat while the slowpoke is only just registering her commands. The bulbasaur's a bit thrown, though, when the platic beneath her feet shudders and then begins to move. As the segment of the rubix cube rotates into a new position, carrying Gohma and her trainer with it, the bulbasaur rushes to finish her toxic attack so that she can launch it before Pirrk is entirely out of range. When she does spew the noxious mixture of poisons at her opponent, her aim is less than perfect--almost all of it sprays uselessly across the cube. A couple of droplets do splatter on Pirrk, though, and this is enough. The slowpoke doesn't even notice the pinpricks of pain caused by the poison eating through her flesh.

Pirrk blinks, realizing that her opponent is no longer in front of her. Slowly, she ambles over to the edge of the cube and peers down at the next face, where she finds Gohma looking back up at her. Before the bulbasaur realizes what's going on, Pirrk has started a broad, lazy lawn. Gohma tears her eyes away, but the damage is done--a terrible wave of drowsiness washes over her. Doing her best not to return the yawn with one of her own, Gohma prepares a cluster of seeds in her bulb, then fires them in a great cloud at Pirrk.

The slowpoke doesn't react as the leech seeds pepper her face, bursting open and sending questing roots down into Pirrk's body. Instead, the slowpoke begins to recite an arcane spell, offering up a prayer to dark, ghostly powers. The plastic under the slowpoke's feet trembles, then begins to slide forward, carrying Pirrk around until she's on the same plane as Gohma. By now, Pirrk's muscles are growing at an impressive rate, lending her additional strength and defense but making it still more difficult for her to get moving.

By this point, Gohma has given in to Pirrk's yawn and is slumbering peacefully. The section of cube beneath the slowpoke continues to move, but the slowpoke steps ponderously off and moves towards Gohma. Thoughts buzz around the slowpoke's mind at unusual speed, Pirrk's psychic powers gathering in her skull and lending explosive power to the headbutt she delivers to Gohma's side. The bulbasaur grunts and tips over, but does not awaken. Meanwhile, the leech seeds that have begun to colonize Pirrk's head are beaming health back to the stricken bulbasaur, their pernicious roots quietly pulling power out from beneath the slowpoke's skin.

Astral (OO)
Pirrk (F)
Health: 97%
Energy: 84%
- Dopily content. Face covered in leech seed shoots. Seeded (3%/round). Badly poisoned (2% next round). +1 Attack, +1 Defense, -1 Speed

Jack_the_PumpkinKing (OO)
Gohma (F)
Health: 83%
Energy: 88%
- Sleeping fitfully. Moderately asleep.

Final Notes
- Very little toxic actually got on Pirrk, so it will take longer than normal to reach full damage potential.
- Astral attacks first next round.
We're off to an awesome start, Pirrk! :D

Gohma's sleep should probably buy us a little bit of time, so let's take advantage of that. First, pump it up a bit more with another Curse. And then let's follow that with a Trick Room; then we'll have the stuff. Finally, finish that up with a Zen Headbutt, again.

Curse ~ Trick Room ~ Zen Headbutt

By the way, thanks for picking up our match, Negrek. Much appreciated. ^^
Um, use Snore until you wake up. Then, set up a Reflect and if you have any more actions left in the round, attack her with Magical Leaf! And, uh, by the way, if you wake up and you can manage to get on a side of the cube that's rotating away from Pirrk, try to get on it. That Zen Headbutt will hurt bad even with Reflect, so we want it to have as much chance at missing as possible.

Snore/Reflect ~ Snore/Reflect/Magical Leaf ~ Snore/Reflect/Magical Leaf

Thank you Negrek!
Reffing from Negrek

Negrek said:
Round Two

Astral (OO)
Pirrk (F)
Health: 97%
Energy: 84%
- Dopily content. Face covered in leech seed shoots. Seeded (3%/round). Badly poisoned (2% next round). +1 Attack, +1 Defense, -1 Speed

Jack_the_PumpkinKing (OO)
Gohma (F)
Health: 83%
Energy: 88%
- Sleeping fitfully. Moderately asleep.

The section of cube that Pirrk has just stepped off stops rotating but, soon enough, a rumble from below announces another moving somewhere out of sight. Gohma twitches in her sleep while Pirrk sits quietly, still working on processing her commands. Gohma lets out a tremendous snore, loud enough to sound clearly even over the low grind of plastic on plastic; a few moments later, Pirrk jumps and looks over at the bulbasaur, her ears ringing (somewhat late). After that, she starts murmuring herself, repeating her earlier invocation of supernatural forces to further enhance her abilities. Her muscles thicken again, making her more bulky than ever--but, if possible, even more slow at the same time.

Shortly thereafter, Gohma lets loose another snore and Pirrk, once again, shakes her head and snorts after some delay. It's surprising the volume such a little pokémon can generate. Meanwhile, the segment of cube behind Pirrk starts to rotate again, though neither pokémon appears to notice. Pirrk is lost in concentration, the psychic imprint caused by her meticulous thoughts distorting the very fabric of reality. The warping effect grows, spreading out from the slowpoke's skull into the air beyond, then farther still. Glowing lines of power shimmer as the trick room's effects stretch out to become concurrent with the boundary of the arena's artificial atmosphere. Within its grip, the air feels thick and heavy, and thought itself seems to crawl, giving the humans present a taste of what it feels like to be Pirrk on any normal day.

The slowpoke, on the other hand, is feeling astonishingly good. For once, she doesn't seem to be so slow. Despite her cumbersome musculature, her movements are quick and nimble, and she wastes no time charging up another zen headbutt and slamming her skull into Gohma.

The bulbasaur tumbles over a couple of times, rolling within a yard of the edge of the cube, but though she grimaces and groans in her sleep, she does not quite rise back to wakefulness. All that she can do is produce another great snore--a nuisance to Pirrk, but nowhere near as damaging as the zen headbutt.

Astral (OO)
Pirrk (F)
Health: 80%
Energy: 67%
- Invigorated by the effects of trick room. Face covered in leech seed shoots. Seeded (3%/round). Badly poisoned (3% next round). +2 Attack, +2 Defense, -2 Speed

Jack_the_PumpkinKing (OO)
Gohma (F)
Health: 62%
Energy: 82%
- Bruised by the zen headbutt. Very mildly asleep.

Terrain Notes
A trick room has distorted time within the arena (4 more actions).

Final Notes
- Astral attacks first next round
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Alright, Pirrk! We're on a roll! :D

Anyways, Gohma's sleep is probably not going to last for much longer. I want you to stay in close; shoot off as many Zen Headbutts this round as you can. If at any point she wakes up, try to hold her down and Yawn right in her face. Next round, girl, we'll take a little break. :3

Zen Headbutt/Yawn ~ Zen Headbutt/Yawn ~ Zen Headbutt/Yawn

((Also, if I didn't make it clear, after Pirrk successfully uses Yawn, continue with Zen Headbutt. If Yawn is not successful, continue using it until it is.))
Okay, girl, it looks like you're going to be waking up again soon. Snore anytime you're asleep, of course.

Then - I'm not sure whether you'll be able to do this, but if you think you can, go ahead and try - as soon as you wake up, try to put a Worry Seed on yourself. If it works, you should be safe from sleeping, and maybe Pirrk will decide to keep trying to yawn.

Use Magical Leaf anytime you're awake after the Worry Seed, and if you're fairly sure that the Worry Seed won't work on yourself, use Magical Leaf instead of it, too.

Snore/Worry Seed/Magical Leaf x3

OOC: I know Worry Seed isn't a self-targeting move in the games, but I don't see why Gohma couldn't plant one on herself, unless there's some sort of immunity factor to it or something. And this will inevitably work out terribly for me when Gohma gets down to 33% Health or less.
Round Three

Astral (OO)
Pirrk (F)
Health: 80%
Energy: 67%
- Invigorated by the effects of trick room. Face covered in leech seed shoots. Seeded (3%/round). Badly poisoned (3% next round). +2 Attack, +2 Defense, -2 Speed

Jack_the_PumpkinKing (OO)
Gohma (F)
Health: 62%
Energy: 82%
- Bruised by the zen headbutt. Very mildly asleep.

The segment of the cube across from Gohma and Pirrk, which has been turning slowly, comes to a halt with a sharp click. Pirrk jumps as the plastic beneath her lights up, the entire cube shuddering as mechanisms somewhere deep within begin to turn over. The flash of light dies away, but as Pirrk blinks and looks around for what might have caused all of the excitement, a flat, digital monotone booms around the arena: "Ten."

Pirrk squeezes her eyes closed again, blocking out the terrain's strange behavior and cultivating the inner calm necessary to make her psychic powers flow. Her ears buzz and the air around her head fizzes with tension as energy gathers, and then Pirrk runs forward, head lowered, to deliver a powerful headbutt to Gohma's exposed stomach. The bulbasaur lets out a gagging noise, her eyes flying open, as she goes skidding towards the edge of the cube. Scrambling with her claws, Gohma succeeds in braking before she goes tumbling around to the next face of the cube, and then, as the fear and disorientation caused by her unexpected awakening starts to fade, she grimaces. She feels awful; not only is she stiff and bruised, but her body is sluggish and unresponsive as a result of the trick room Pirrk set up while she was sleeping.

Something booms out, "Nine," and Gohma pushes herself back upright, chemical reactions boiling in her bulb to produce a single large seed. A vine snakes out from the base of Gohma's bulb and reaches back to wrap around the newly-minted worry seed, then brings it forward and plants it firmly on her forehead. The overlarge seed, the coat of which is a noxious yellow striped with veins of purple, germinates almost immediately, long, spiny creepers snaking down around Gohma's face and body. The nasty vines, themselves purple-ribbed, are very uncomfortable to have clinging to one's skin, but Gohma does her best to ignore them; after all, being uncomfortable is the point. The countdown continues: "Eight."

Pirrk, who doesn't recognize the worry seed for what it is, smirks. So the bulbasaur's awake now? There's an easy way to fix that... with exaggerated slowness, Pirrk presents Gohma with a jaw-cracking yawn, then sits back to watch it take effect. As before, Gohma's eyes droop and her mouth twitches as she tries to suppress a yawn of her own. The cloying tendrils of the worry seed, though, make it impossible for her to get comfortable and sink into slumber; Gohma shakes her drowsiness off and fires a volley of glowing, sharp-edged leaves from her bulb. The cluster of leaves that scatters up into the air twirls aimlessly for a moment, and then all the leaves abruptly line up, jagged ends pointing straight at Pirrk, and fly straight at her like a flurry of glowing, grassy knives. The hiss they make as they shoot through the air drowns out the noise of the countdown, and Pirrk grunts as the magical leaves slam into her, slicing long cuts all down her body.

Furious, the slowpoke wonders why her yawn didn't work this time. Determined to send Gohma back to sleep, she tries again, making her yawn even wider and more obvious than it was before. Gohma sheds her drowsiness even faster than last time, though, and doesn't hesitate to fire off another flurry of wicked magical leaves that home in on Pirrk, leaving her angry and bleeding. The two pokémon stare one another down to the extent that they can--they're now both sporting faces covered in vegetation. Meanwhile, the voice from within the cube warns, "Two."

Astral (OO)
Pirrk (F)
Health: 50%
Energy: 51%
- Confused and frustrated. Face covered in leech seed shoots. Seeded (3%/round). Badly poisoned (4% next round). +2 Attack, +2 Defense, -2 Speed

Jack_the_PumpkinKing (OO)
Gohma (F)
Health: 42%
Energy: 70%
- Not feeling too great, but at least she's awake now. Has a worry seed planted on her head.

Round Three
Time has been distorted within the boundaries of the trick room (1 more action). The countdown to re-scrambling is almost finished.

Final Notes
- Jack_the_PumpkinKing attacks first next round.
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Okay, Gohma, this cube is going to start going mad in a second, so as quickly as you can, use Ingrain to root yourself down to the cube, as strong as possible so you don't go flying. Keep your eyes shut as tightly as you can, too, for the entire round... I'm not sure if that'll help prevent you from getting confused, but it sure couldn't hurt. If you can manage it in the midst of the cube shuffling itself, use Synthesis. For your last action, Chill, but wait until the cube stops spinning if you can.

Ingrain + close eyes ~ Synthesis ~ Chill
Argh.. I should have said something about Gohma preventing sleep, but..

Anyways, things are about to get crazy. We don't have any way to hold ourselves down to the cube, so.. I want you to get in close to Gohma. Try and get on the same square of the cube if you can; if not, it's fine. Once Gohma uses Ingrain, though, see if you can pull off a Mimic attack. Hey, it'll keep us grounded, right? And, hopefully your Own Tempo will come in handy here..

If you did manage to get in close to Gohma, or have a line of sight to her, use Thunder Wave; try to time it so you disrupt her Synthesis or Chill. If you don't have the right timing, go ahead and make use of this round to Chill. If you've used Thunder Wave once already, don't use it again, okay? :3

Mimic ~ Thunder Wave/Chill ~ Thunder Wave/Chill
Reffing from Negrek

Negrek said:
Round Four

Astral (OO)
Pirrk (F)
Health: 50%
Energy: 51%
- Confused and frustrated. Face covered in leech seed shoots. Seeded (3%/round). Badly poisoned (4% next round). +2 Attack, +2 Defense, -2 Speed

Jack_the_PumpkinKing (OO)
Gohma (F)
Health: 42%
Energy: 70%
- Not feeling too great, but at least she's awake now. Has a worry seed planted on her head.

As the plastic beneath her feet grows warm and starts to shake, Gohma hastily channels energy to the bottoms of her feet, forcing thin roots out of her skin and down into the cube. The ingrain attack grows quickly, seeking nutrients in the mess of plastic and metal below her feet. Pirrk watches intently, not that there's much to see, as she scoots closer to Gohma, although the square on which the bulbasaur is standing isn't large enough to hold them both. The slowpoke extends her psychic senses, trying to trace the flow of Gohma's roots through the cube in the hopes of figuring out how to generate them. There's not a lot of time to learn, though; the countdown passes one, and a loud clunk sounds from inside the cube as its segments begin to rotate all at once.

Panicking, Pirrk tries to replicate Gohma's attacks, coaxing roots out of her own feet. It's slow going, and a few tentative shoots have only just started to wend down through the cracks in the cube when the spinning of the segments picks up considerably. Pirrk flattens herself against the plastic, trying to avoid being thrown off into space, while centripedal force tugs at her body. It is only the ingrain anchors, weak though they initially are, that keep her from being hurled off the surface of the cube (the trainers and referee are somewhat less lucky in this regard). Pirrk's root system grows out enough to anchor her securely, although it is prevented from getting very large by the fact that the rotating mechanisms on the inside of the cube rip apart any shoots that approach. Meanwhile, the trick room that Pirrk had put in place earlier frays and tears apart, allowing time to return its normal flow. Neither pokémon really notices, having somewhat more immediate concerns to attend to.

Gohma's initially extensive root system is also cut down considerably, but the bulbasaur is still firmly anchored. Unlike Pirrk, though, she thinks fast enough to find her ride around the outside of the cube disorienting and nauseasting in the extreme. The bulbasaur closes her eyes, although it does little good, as her inner ear is still plenty happy to tell her she's getting yanked around every which way. For the moment, though, she is coordinated enough to start up a synthesis, her bulb glowing white as she speeds up the natural conversion of sunlight into sugar that occurs in her body. As a frenzy of chemical reactions cascade through her cells, surplus energy sweeps through Gohma's body, fueling her natural processes of regeneration and repairing much of the damage done by Pirrk's earlier attacks.

The slowpoke herself waits patiently, gathering electricity as the cube twists and rotates at random. By chance, a shift brings her onto the same plane of the cube as Gohma, and the slowpoke releases her attack. Despite the constant shifting of the cube, the attack flies true and zaps Gohma, causing the bulbasaur to stiffen and shake as disruptive electrical charge rips through her body. The cube is slowing down now, beginning to settle into its final scrambled conformation, but for Gohma the damage is done. Thoroughly dizzied by the cube's spinning and now clutched in the grip of paralysis, it's all she can do not to vomit. Her physical condition is better thanks to the synthesis, but she is far from feeling fine.

Staying put is, therefore, about all she feels ready to do, and though it's a bit difficult for her to relax with her head spinning and her whole body cramping, once she starts, she begins to feel a bit better. Gohma enters a semi-comatose state, distancing herself from the battle and her persistent nausea. The cube settles down to a more stable state, but it has left Gohma and Pirrk far apart; the slowpoke is on the face opposite her opponent, though it doesn't seem to bother her. Returned to her usual sluggish state, Pirrk probably doesn't even notice Gohma's absence as she zones out, chilling without a care in the world.

Astral (OO)
Pirrk (F)
Health: 46%
Energy: 52%
- Resting quietly. Seeded (3%/round). Rooted to the cube (+3%/round). Badly poisoned (4% next round). +2 Attack, +2 Defense, -2 Speed

Jack_the_PumpkinKing (OO)
Gohma (F)
Health: 96%
Energy: 40%
- Uggh... let's not do that again. Has a worry seed planted on her head. Rooted to the cube (+3%/round). Confused (severe). Paralyzed (severe).

Terrain Notes
The trick room has fallen and the cube has settled back to normal, but now the battlers are on opposite sides of it.

Final Notes
- Jack_the_PumpkinKing attacks first next round.
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For now, Gohma, I think we're safe enough that you can have a little rest. Chill twice, but take the time to Taunt him between the two chills. (If you start feeling a little too Paralyzed to taunt him, go ahead and chill then, too.) Try to Protect if he uses the attack Psychic or if he somehow manages to break off his roots and uses a Zen Headbutt. Only Protect once during the round, though.

Chill/Protect ~ Taunt/Chill/Protect ~ Chill/Protect

EDIT: Umm, I just noticed this, but did Pirrk get a gender change between rounds 1 and 2? :)
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Mmm.. that poisoning is rather annoying. :/

Okay, we're on opposite sides of the cube, so unless it rotates against our favor, I doubt that the taunt will work. So, let's go for a Chill the first action, and then Chill again, and preferably a third time if you can do it. If the Taunt does work, though, use Icy Wind; the slower Gohma gets, the better.

Chill ~ Chill/Icy Wind ~ Chill/Icy Wind

Also, do go ahead and try and stay in your roots. We don't need to move any time soon. :3
Round Five

Astral (OO)
Pirrk (F)
Health: 46%
Energy: 52%
Chills: 1/6
- Resting quietly. Seeded (3%/round). Rooted to the cube (+3%/round). Badly poisoned (4% next round). +2 Attack, +2 Defense, -2 Speed

Jack_the_PumpkinKing (OO)
Gohma (F)
Health: 96%
Energy: 40%
Chills: 1/6
- Uggh... let's not do that again. Has a worry seed planted on her head. Rooted to the cube (+3%/round). Confused (severe). Paralyzed (severe).

Pirrk continues to rest and relax, unconcerned with the distant grinding noise that heralds the cube starting up its usual de-scrambling again. For Gohma the noise is much more relevant, though, as the plastic beneath her shifts and swings slowly around, carrying her in a counter-clockwise direction to a spot kitty-corner to where she had been sitting before. The bulbasaur blinks and looks around in curiosity as the cube shifts below her. A temporary swing out over empty space as the section rotates around a corner brings all the dizziness and nausea that had been plaguing her back with a vengeance, though, and the bulbasaur immediately squeezes her eyes shut, grimacing. For now, it would be best for her to just sit tight and rest...

Still out of sight of her opponent, Pirrk shows no sign of coming out of her chill, but after a while, Gohma starts to grow restless. Although relaxing has helped soothe her aching muscles, it feels as though her throbbing head is only getting worse. Discomfort changes to irritation, and irritation to irrational anger as Gohma's confusion throws her emotions out of whack. The bulbasaur opens her eyes and shakes her head, trying to clear it, but doing so only makes her feel worse. Growling, Gohma tries to paw at her face, only to find her foot stuck to the floor by some weird string things. Casting a bleary eye at the roots growing out of her feet, the bulbasaur tries to rip them off, only to have pinpricks of pain assault her as she tries to sever the ingrain. This only enrages her further and causes her to redouble her struggle, until she is snapping and tearing at the roots binding her to the cube, ripping a few free but mostly just causing herself considerable pain.

The bulbasaur's furious struggles are only cut short when her body freezes up, leaving her trapped mid-flail. For a little while blind anger causes her to throw her all into trying to move, but when her persistent attempts have no effect, the confused rage starts to ebb. Gohma returns to her senses and realizes that further struggling is going to get her nowhere; instead, she tries to relax and hope that her muscles will loosen up if she stops fighting them. On a different part of the cube, Pirrk is having no trouble chilling, and doesn't even stir when the segment of cube under her shudders and swings around with her in tow. When it clicks into place again, if Gohma were capable of walking to the edge of the cube directly across from her current position, she would be able to look down and see the slowpoke.

Astral (OO)
Pirrk (F)
Health: 42%
Energy: 82%
Chills: 4/6
- Totally chill. Seeded (3%/round). Rooted to the cube (+3%/round). Badly poisoned (5% next round). +2 Attack, +2 Defense, -2 Speed

Jack_the_PumpkinKing (OO)
Gohma (F)
Health: 100%
Energy: 67%
Chills: 3/6
- Very healthy and quite energetic, but not feeling too good nonetheless. Has a worry seed planted on her head. Rooted to the cube (+3%/round). Confused (severe). Paralyzed (severe).

Final Notes
- Fixed Pirrk's sex.
- Because Gohma was fully paralyzed on her last action, she didn't get as much energy as she ordinarily would have for her chill.
- Astral attacks first next round.
Last thing I do 'afore vacation. D;

Anyways, Pirrk, it looks like things are going up for us. See if you can get a Psychic in and mess with her head; a lowering in Special Defense could help us a bit here. If for some reason you can't quite pull a Psychic off, create a substitute (10%) here. Next, use Future Sight. Finish it up with another Psychic (if you didn't make a substitute the first action, go ahead and create one here).

Psychic/Substitute (10%)~ Futute Sight ~ Psychic/Substitute (10%)
Gohma, if my calculations are correct, this will either KO Pirrk or leave her with only a small handful of Health left (depending on when Pirrk uses that Substitute). Use that fact as motivation to get through your Paralysis and Confusion!

Magical Leaf x3
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Round Six

Astral (OO)
Pirrk (F)
Health: 42%
Energy: 82%
Chills: 4/6
- Totally chill. Seeded (3%/round). Rooted to the cube (+3%/round). Badly poisoned (5% next round). +2 Attack, +2 Defense, -2 Speed

Jack_the_PumpkinKing (OO)
Gohma (F)
Health: 100%
Energy: 67%
Chills: 3/6
- Very healthy and quite energetic, but not feeling too good nonetheless. Has a worry seed planted on her head. Rooted to the cube (+3%/round). Confused (severe). Paralyzed (severe).

Gohma snaps back to semi-alertness as the cube beneath her starts to move, swinging her around and down onto the side of the cube to the right of where she'd been. Groggy and disoriented, Gohma tries to step off the moving section of the Rubix cube only to find herself, as before, held in place by her own roots. Starting to panic, Gohma tugs on her ingrain roots, gradually realizing that she's stuck fast and, worse, that there's something wild and thorny growing across her face and down over her shoulders, threatening to entangle her even more. Panicking, the bulbasaur starts to thrash and tear at her bonds once again, completely forgetting about her command.

Pirrk takes a bit longer to rouse herself from her comatose state, but once she does it is with considerably more clarity. Reaching out with her mind, she brushes up against the wild ball of terror that presently represents Gohma's consciousness. A slow smile spreads across the slowpoke's face as her mind wraps itself around Gohma's, squeezing and crushing it in upon itself, sending tendrils of energy lancing deep into the bulbasaur's psyche. Gohma pauses in her struggles to escape the ingrain, then starts to thrash and howl again, though for a different reason this time. Incredible pain explodes behind her eyes, and her vision blurs and distorts as Pirrk's psychic attack rocks Gohma's perception.

When Pirrk retreats, it leaves Gohma gasping and weak, but feeling far more clear-headed than before. Now she remembers what's going on and who her opponent is--and she intends to get payback. The bulbasaur expels a burst of glowing, razor-edged leaves from her bulb. They tumble aimlessly in the air for a moment, then gather into tight formation and go shooting off towards Pirrk. A precise ninety-degree turn has them on the slowpoke's side of the arena, and they easily dodge the spinning slice of cube just above where she is rooted. Pirrk, who still has her eyes closed, has no idea what's going on until it's far too late. The magical leaf swarms around her, cutting thin lines of pain all down her thick skin, before falling inanimate to the plastic around her.

It's Pirrk's turn to open her eyes in confusion, but it doesn't take her long to figure out what's up--and then she settles down to the business of retaliation. This time, she flings her mind outward through time instead of space, and hazy futures unfold before her in all their manifold possibilities. Flipping through them until she finds one that she likes, Pirrk concentrates hard, sending a stream of psychic power roaring through into that not-too-distant time, when Gohma will get a nasty surprise.

Unaware of what Pirrk has planning, the bulbasaur sends another swarm of magical leaves shooting Pirrk's way. The side of the cube the slowpoke's on is rotating, bringing her around so that she is in the highest row on that side, though still one side away from Gohma. The magical leaves have no trouble finding her, though, and Pirrk endures their furious attack as best she can. It's taken her a while to realize it, but she feels absolutely awful--the leech seed and toxic are draining her health fast, and now she has to pare it down even further by pouring it into a new vessel.

The slowpoke spits a thick stream of water onto the plastic in front of her. Rather than falling straight down, though, the water twists and bends back on itself as it hits the open air, molding itself into the shape of a slowpoke like Pirrk, slightly smaller but otherwise a decent likeness. Sparkling lines of silver energy stretch just beneath the surface of the substitute, binding it to its shape and giving it the ability to move around. As two bright sparks of silver light shine from the thing's eye sockets, it jerkily raises a paw and takes a step forward, then another, moving to stand between Pirrk and her invisible opponent around the corner. Pirrk, whose vision is edged with black and shaking, manages a small smile, but that's about it--she won't be able to hold on much longer, at this rate.

Astral (OO)
Pirrk (F)
Health: 3%
Energy: 66%
Chills: 4/6
- Dead on her feet. Has a substitute with 10% health. Seeded (3%/round). Rooted to the cube (+3%/round). Badly poisoned (6% next round). +2 Attack, +2 Defense, -2 Speed

Jack_the_PumpkinKing (OO)
Gohma (F)
Health: 89%
Energy: 56%
Chills: 3/6
- A bit more clear-headed. Has a worry seed planted on her head. Rooted to the cube (+3%/round). Confused (moderate). Paralyzed (severe).

Terrain Notes
Unseen by either battler, a bundle of psychic energy is whistling towards some point in the future to strike sometime in the next two actions.

Final Notes
- Jack_the_PumpkinKing attacks first next round.
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