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Search results

  1. Chiropter

    Prettzel vs. sreservoir

    Actually, the only member of your active squad that learns Metronome is Kine. Electabuzz can learn it, but not elekid. Which really makes no sense to me, but that's the case. (I mean, you can still use him if you want, but it'd be a really one-sided fight...)
  2. Chiropter

    Prettzel vs. sreservoir

    Excellent. I'm assuming that you'll be using her, so Prettzel can go ahead and attack now.
  3. Chiropter

    Prettzel vs. sreservoir

    Prettzel's active squad: [Hookbill] combusken (M) <Blaze> [Rose] starmie <Illuminate> Item: Brightpowder [Kine] abra (M) <Synchronize> [Phazon] weavile (M) <Pressure> [Oscar] zangoose (M) <Immunity>Body Mod: +1 Evasion, +1 Speed; Move Mod: +Yawn [Spookter] gastly (M) <Levitate> [Qazitory]...
  4. Chiropter

    The Challenge Board

    Let us see if I cannot get myself back into the reffing mode, yes? Taking sreservoir vs. Prettzel. Because Metronome is fun.
  5. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office You've paid one invisible dollar extra. You should have $76.
  6. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Approved.
  7. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Approved. First, post in the Bank with the amount of money you’re spending and how much you have left (in this case, $45 - $30 - $15 = $0). Then, click on the number on the top right-hand corner of that post (for example, the #1560 on this post), which will...
  8. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

    $666 + $5 = $671
  9. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: moon-panther)

    blaaah RNG gods All right, it’s all up to you now, Agro! I’m going to release you in the pond, so you’ll be in your element for now. If you can, try to keep your body underwater when you’re not attacking, and maybe give yourself a little extra evasion that way. In any event, try to stay in...
  10. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: moon-panther)

    Um... Acheron should have been Confused by the Dynamicpunch. Also, what do you mean by Blizzard "failing"? Do you mean it missed entirely, or did it just not successfully freeze Acheron?
  11. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: moon-panther)

    Um... Acheron should have been Confused by the Dynamicpunch. Also, what do you mean by Blizzard "failing"? Do you mean it missed entirely, or did it just not successfully freeze Acheron?
  12. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office You'll need to choose one ability for the Houndour.
  13. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: moon-panther)

    Yeah, that works. Thanks, moon-panther. Righty then. Psycho, let's get back into the spirit of the Battle Arena: fight Acheron's offense with offense. While he's still all foresighted, get up close to him and use a Dynamicpunch. If you hit, follow it up with Façade; if you missed, try...
  14. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: moon-panther)

    The bolded section was only supposed to come into play if the non-bolded actions had been canceled out in the first place by Acheron Protecting or Detecting. He didn't do either, so the non-bolded actions should have gone through with no substitutions, regardless of the fact that he managed to...
  15. Chiropter

    ASB Mafia: Day I

    Well, huh. Nothing to add that hasn't already been said, really. Animorph's dead, that sucks, random nominations, sorry Kam if you're innocent, and blah blah blah. But wait!... maybe Kam is actually MurrMurr(r), and was attacked by the mafia last night, and is simply acting suspicious to...
  16. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: moon-panther)

    Eh. I still don't entirely buy it, but okay. Aaaand I just noticed something else, sorry: Psycho should have chilled during the last action, not Taunted. He was only supposed to Taunt then if Acheron had Protected or Detected on the first action.
  17. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: moon-panther)

    Well, unless you think Fake Out wouldn't have had the same end result, I'm fine with it as it is. How would poison leach into an incorporeal ghost? It's not really an energy attack, which are the only things that affect phasing ghosts. Nothing in the rules for possession seem to imply that...
  18. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: moon-panther)

    Not that it would have mattered, since Acheron would have just used Fake Out instead, but what's the rationale for Mean Look stopping Faint Attack but not Shadow Sneak? Also, I'm a little uncertain about the poisoning thing. The poison was in Acheron's body - sure, it affected Psycho when he...
  19. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

    $650 + $5 + $8 + $3 = $666 Well, I'll have to be sure not to make or spend anything until after Halloween now, because that's just too perfect.
  20. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Yup. Approved.
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