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Search results

  1. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    The latter. Should it have been more?
  2. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    Okay, there you go. The final results of the round may be slightly different. Again, so very very sorry for not checking that.
  3. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    ...Expletive. Well, that'll teach me to not double-check each time. Okay, give me a day or two, I'll try to rewrite it quickly. Sorry 'bout that.
  4. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

    Wow, I haven't posted here since before the system changed... +$10
  5. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    Round 15 Negrek (XO) Absol Mandarb (F) <Pressure> Health: 48% Energy: 31% Status: Negrek, we need to invest in something fireproof. Chills: 2/3 Direct Healers: 1/1 Blazheirio889 (XO) Typhlosion Khao (M) <Blaze> (Item: Magmarizer) Health: 51% Energy: 28% Status: Mostly dry, but still unhappy...
  6. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    The effect will wear off at some point next round.
  7. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    Round 14 Negrek (XO) Absol Mandarb (F) <Pressure> Health: 70% Energy: 41% Status: Do you know how much this armor costs to fix?! Chills: 2/3 Direct Healers: 1/1 Blazheirio889 (XO) Typhlosion Khao (M) <Blaze> (Item: Magmarizer) Health: 54% (10% Substitute) Energy: 43% Status: Why did it have to...
  8. Chiropter

    [11] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: RespectTheBlade)

    What one might have heard had one been in my house shortly after Negrek's commands were posted. Ah, well, such is life. Fun battle regardless. Thanks for the reffings, Zhorken, they were very entertaining! Also, thanks to RespectTheBlade for getting the match off the ground. As for Negrek...
  9. Chiropter

    [11] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: RespectTheBlade)

    She stole the hat? Oh, it is on. Set up that Light Screen you mimicked again, then hit that thieving espeon with two more Shadow Claws. (If the hat is inadvertantly damaged, be sure to channel your rage appropriately.) Now if, one the first action, Liberalis either chills, uses a healing move...
  10. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    1) Yes. 2) Sure. 3) Maybe, maybe not. :evil: 4) Probably.
  11. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    Oh, no, I didn't mean to imply that the armor had lost its effectiveness - it's just been really banged up. All its effects are still there. Hmm... well, Khao is right at the edge of the central island, and Mandarb is all the way at the boundary of the arena... Um, I'm bad at estimating...
  12. Chiropter

    [11] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: RespectTheBlade)

    Oh, well played, sir. Well played. Ugh, none of my other song effects are at all creative... Ooh, Liberalis wants her berry back, huh? Well, it's not gonna be doing you any good, Lydda, so... just eat it. The point was to get it away from her, after all, not to use it yourself... (Would've...
  13. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    Round 13 Negrek (XO) Absol Mandarb (F) <Pressure> Health: 26% Energy: 78% Status: Relaxing underwater. Burned (3%/round) Blazheirio889 (XO) Typhlosion Khao (M) <Blaze> (Item: Magmarizer) Health: 57% (13% Substitute) Energy: 59% Status: Feeling overextended. -1 Sp. Attack “Kekekekekeke…” As...
  14. Chiropter

    [11] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: RespectTheBlade)

    Entei, huh Lydda? Didn't know you had such big aspirations, heh. Would've been nice if you hadn't gotten quite so into your little fantasy, but that was the risk I took with the song, so it's not a big problem. Anyway, onward. Why do you not know Taunt? blah. Well. I suppose we could use...
  15. Chiropter

    [11] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: RespectTheBlade)

    Well, Lydda, between attraction, the light screen, and the sub, you should be good for a few actions, so go ahead and chill while you finish resting. (If for any reason - can't think of one, but just in case - you're prevented from chilling, just do nothing.) Once you wake up, see if you can't...
  16. Chiropter

    [11] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: RespectTheBlade)

    Darn. On to Plan B... Good work, Lydda, keep it up! Now, even though you're faster, I'd like you to wait for Liberalis to set up her Light Screen, then Mimic it for yourself. Once you've done that, make yourself a 15% Substitute; finally, go ahead and Rest off all that damage. Don't worry...
  17. Chiropter

    [11] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: RespectTheBlade)

    Hmm... Would Covet count as a move that "plays on the target's emotions"?
  18. Chiropter

    [11] Negrek vs Chiropter (ref: RespectTheBlade)

    Hmm, let's see if we can't improve on our performance in that previous second-round-tournament-battle-vs-Negrek... All right, Lydda, get out there and muss up Liberalis' pretty fur! Start with a Flame Charge, then let loose with an Eruption (if Liberalis has dug underground at this point, send...
  19. Chiropter

    [11] Chiropter vs Aethelstan (Ref: Pathos)

    Doing good, Lerne. Now use Double Team, then Sunny Day. Follow with another Thunder Fang, unless Simipour uses another weather move, in which case repeat Sunny Day. Double Team ~ Sunny Day ~ Thunder Fang/Sunny Day
  20. Chiropter

    [11] Chiropter vs Aethelstan (Ref: Pathos)

    Ignore the first Waterfall and use Screech. If you've lost the Substitute after that, avoid being poisoned with another Taunt; if the Sub's still up, however, try to keep it that way by Tormenting Simipour. Either way, we shouldn't have to worry about him resting, so finish up with another...
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