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Search results

  1. Chiropter

    Lucas755 vs shadow_lugia

    DQ warning for shadow_lugia.
  2. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Since the 3% energy cost isn’t variable, it would be easier to just have a base damage for the attack, since “1.5x energy taken from Pet” will always be the same. Also, I think you may be mixing up ‘damage’ and ‘energy’ in the description. I’m a little...
  3. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    DQ warning for Negrek.
  4. Chiropter

    Lucas755 vs shadow_lugia

    Round 8 Team Lucas755 (OOOO) IvysaurDiglettVenonat Ivysaur (F) <Overgrow> Health: 24% Energy: 28% Status: Dude, come on, enough with the soap opera… -1 Sp. Defense. Overgrow active. Diglett (M) <Sand Veil> Health: 19% Energy: 20% Status: Worn out and in pain. Venonat (M) <Compoundeyes>...
  5. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

    $988 + $15 = $1003
  6. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Aww, who's a cute little embodiment of a Deadly Sin! Move approved. Approved.
  7. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    Round 10 Negrek (XO) Absol Mandarb (F) <Pressure> (Item: Reaper Cloth) Health: 100% Energy: 86% Status: Confident. Paralyzed (mild) Blazheirio889 (OO) Froslass Yukianesa (F) <Snow Cloak> (Item: Nevermeltice) Health: 27% Energy: 7% Status: Trapped and exhausted. Poisoned (3% per round). -1...
  8. Chiropter

    ASB Gift Exchange 2010

    Woot, Koromori! How on Earth did you know, Negrek? That razor fang has a soon-to-be gliscor's name written all over it. Thanks, you guys! (And blazheirio, feel free to change Kratos' my voucher to something else if you don't want double zoruas.)
  9. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

    And forgot the paycheck. Yay. $973 + $15 = $988
  10. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

    late shopping is late $1008 - $25 - $10 = $973
  11. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Eevee (M) <Adaptability> Vulpix (F) <Flash Fire> Payment.
  12. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    Round 9 Yoshiya is quickly returned to the safety of his pokeball, and after a moment of thought, Negrek selects her second and last combatant: Mandarb, an absol bearing a shiny set of light armor over her chest and head, as well as a nasty-looking barb on her scythe. A dark, tattered Reaper...
  13. Chiropter

    Lucas755 vs shadow_lugia

    DQ warning for shadow_lugia.
  14. Chiropter

    Lucas755 vs shadow_lugia

    Round 7 Team Lucas755 (OOOO) IvysaurDiglettVenonat Ivysaur (F) <Overgrow> Health: 24% Energy: 43% Status: Ticked off at his teammates. -1 Sp. Defense. Overgrow active. Diglett (M) <Sand Veil> Health: 31% Energy: 30% Status: Completely out of it. Confused (severe) Venonat (M) <Compoundeyes>...
  15. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Approved. I'm assuming this is your starting team, in which case the piplup only costs $10, so you're only spending $45, not $60 (you can't spend more than you have, in any case). Approved. Team approved. (You've subtracted $42 instead of $43 in your bank...
  16. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    DQ warning for Negrek.
  17. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Team approved.
  18. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

    $961 + $15 + $8 + $24 = $1008
  19. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    Round 8 Negrek (OO) Cleffa Yoshiya (M) <Magic Guard> (Item: Soothe Bell) Health: 65% Energy: 19% Status: “Oh yeah?! How d’you like that, huh?! HUH?!” Shadow Ball, Encore spited. Pain Split mimicked. Taunted (2 more actions). Direct Healing: 1/1 Chills: 3/3 Blazheirio889 (OO) Froslass Yukianesa...
  20. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office A Vespiquen attack. A deadly bee weapon. :) Does the lowered visibility effect involve a drop in accuracy (if so, you should specify how much), or are the specifics left up to the referee? Aside from that, it needs a usage gap; also, this has enough effects...
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