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Search results

  1. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    Round 7 Negrek (OO) Cleffa Yoshiya (M) <Magic Guard> (Item: Soothe Bell) Health: 65% Energy: 37% Status: Cold and frightened. Shadow Ball, Encore spited. Pain Split mimicked. Direct Healing: 1/1 Chills: 3/3 Blazheirio889 (OO) Froslass Yukianesa (F) <Snow Cloak> (Item: Nevermeltice) Health: 57%...
  2. Chiropter

    The Isshu Expedition

    One Snivy GIMMIEGIMMIEGIMMIE reservation, please. And... eh, I'll probably buy some vouchers later on, once I figure out just who I desperately need aside from the Awesome Snake of Awesomenessness. EDIT: [Julunggul] snivy (F) <Overgrow> EDIT: And purchasing gift vouchers for Oshawott (M)...
  3. Chiropter

    Lucas755 vs shadow_lugia

    DQ warning for shadow_lugia.
  4. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

    $900 + $25 + $10 + $10 + $10 + $6 = $961
  5. Chiropter

    Lucas755 vs shadow_lugia

    Late DQ warning for Lucas755.
  6. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

    $896 + $4 = $900
  7. Chiropter

    [GF10] Appeal Round Two

    [Lydda] typhlosion (F) Let’s show everyone why you’re classified as the “Volcano” pokemon, shall we? I’ll need the lights completely off for this appeal. Lydda, I’ll release you in the center of the stage - immediately extinguish your flames, leaving the place in total darkness. Wait a few...
  8. Chiropter

    Sure. It might take me a while to come up with an arena, though. Any preferences?

    Sure. It might take me a while to come up with an arena, though. Any preferences?
  9. Chiropter

    Okay then, we might as well go ahead and end it. I'd be up for starting a new challenge, if...

    Okay then, we might as well go ahead and end it. I'd be up for starting a new challenge, if you're interested.
  10. Chiropter

    Lucas755 vs shadow_lugia

    Round 6 Team Lucas755 (OOOO) IvysaurDiglettVenonat Ivysaur (F) <Overgrow> Health: 24% Energy: 53% Status: “Bring. It. On. -1 Defense, -1 Sp. Defense. Overgrow active. Diglett (M) <Sand Veil> Health: 36% Energy: 42% Status: “**!*%@&*!!!@!” In rather excruciating pain. Venonat (M)...
  11. Chiropter

    Yeah, I'd definitely prefer outdoor work too. Hmm... I do kinda want to avenge my tournament...

    Yeah, I'd definitely prefer outdoor work too. Hmm... I do kinda want to avenge my tournament defeat... On the other hand, it's been so long since the battle started... I guess I'd be okay with ending it, though I'm open to the e-ref option if you'd like to try to keep going.
  12. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

    $888 + $5 + $3 = $896
  13. Chiropter

    Cool, what do you intend to do in that area? Biology on the cellular/molecular level is pretty...

    Cool, what do you intend to do in that area? Biology on the cellular/molecular level is pretty fascinating as well - I only took a few required courses in it, but I did greatly enjoy them, particularly genetics. Uh, well, pretty much anywhere there's stuff to be done, in the US or out. (Can...
  14. Chiropter

    Wherever would you get that idea? :) Yeah, bats definitely; I do have a tendency to gravitate...

    Wherever would you get that idea? :) Yeah, bats definitely; I do have a tendency to gravitate towards the more "misunderstood" animals, so reptiles, sharks, octopi, arachnids, and such as well. I'm also interested in ornithology. Aside from those, I'd be open to pretty much anything - I...
  15. Chiropter

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Approved.
  16. Chiropter

    Bank of TCoD

    $843 + $25 + $5 + $15 = $888
  17. Chiropter

    My biggest interest is in zoology, although my major was just biology in general. If I go on to...

    My biggest interest is in zoology, although my major was just biology in general. If I go on to grad school I'll probably focus more on that particular area, or something similar.
  18. Chiropter

    [GF10] Appeal Round Two

    Are we using the same pokemon we used in the first round?
  19. Chiropter

    [09] Negrek vs blazheirio889 (ref: Chiropter)

    DQ warning for Negrek.
  20. Chiropter

    [GF10] Block Six (Chiropter)

    Mike the Foxhog and Felix Yusupov The next block of appeals opens with Mike the Foxhog, who acknowledges the scattered applause as he enters the appeal area, his meowth Felix Yusupov tagging along at his feet. With an encouraging nod from his trainer, Felix bounds to the center of the stage...
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