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Search results

  1. Eeveeon25

    Closed PokéCircus

    Re: PokéCircus ((That's what I've been wondering! Where the heck is everybody? Did they stop caring about this RP? And eevee123, Cinderpelt said earlier that no one else can join.))
  2. Eeveeon25

    Open D.M. (A Pokemon RP)

    Anthony walked into the "Boys' Room" and started unpacking. He noticed another boy in there and started talking to him. "Hi, my name's Anthony! Man, that Commander Surge is tough, huh?"
  3. Eeveeon25

    Open The Much Talked-about Zelda RPG

    ((Lita, you can't see Spiriah cause he's invisible))
  4. Eeveeon25

    Open The Much Talked-about Zelda RPG

    "So, we've got a Rito, a Poe, a Shiekah, and two Minish. Think we can do it, Starr?"
  5. Eeveeon25

    What is your favorite starter (final evolution)?

  6. Eeveeon25

    Open The Much Talked-about Zelda RPG

    "Well, aren't I the popular one," Talon said both angrily and sarcastically. Just then, Talon got an idea. "Hey, poe?" he said to apparently thin air, "why don't you come with us? If you want to burn and corrode so badly, you could help take care of the soldiers attacking Death Mountain!"
  7. Eeveeon25

    Lita's trading shop

    Sorry, I was in the middle of the elite four when you posted you were ready... Just tell me when you want to do the trade and I'll probably be on.
  8. Eeveeon25

    Open The Much Talked-about Zelda RPG

    "Wouldn't he like that, Starr?" Talon said to the Minish. "I mean, if we were all dead, then we'd be poes like him!"
  9. Eeveeon25

    [Shop] Lacuna City Marketplace

    Thanks, Negrek!
  10. Eeveeon25

    Open The Much Talked-about Zelda RPG

    "Actually, I think it is your fault for jumping into a conversation without paying attention to what was being said," Talon said to the disembodied voice. ((You're still invisible, right?))
  11. Eeveeon25

    Stupid Question.

    I think they're important, but I hate them because you have to keep up with them yourself, and they're impossible to find out on a pre-trained pokemon. If only there were an IV and EV checker.
  12. Eeveeon25

    Stupid Question.

    K, thanks everyone!
  13. Eeveeon25

    [Shop] Lacuna City Marketplace

    I'll be here tomorrow, Negrek.
  14. Eeveeon25

    [Shop] Lacuna City Marketplace

    Yes, please reset them to their defaults. Thank you!
  15. Eeveeon25

    Stupid Question.

    Lets say my opponent and I both have Persians, with his being level 100 and mine being level 50. Now, if we do a lvl 50 All or lvl 100 All battle, are they going to be more or less equally matched, or is his still going to be better since it was originally a higher level than mine?
  16. Eeveeon25

    [Shop] Lacuna City Marketplace

    No nicknames, please. And I'll also take a Suiccune, if it's all right. One more thing, if you have time: if you have any English Articuno or Zapdos (preferably not messed with, but I'll take what you got), would you mind trading them to me for my Japanese Articuno or Zapdos? I don't know...
  17. Eeveeon25

    Lita's trading shop

    I just bred an Adament Tailow! I'll trade for a Celebi, please! Here's my Dachet ID.
  18. Eeveeon25

    The Pokemon World Cup - Final

    But I love them both so much... T.T Well, if I have to choose one.................... Lugia.
  19. Eeveeon25

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Name: Zak Stone Gender: Male Age: 16 Pokemon: Sandshrew Appearance: He has a green scarf. Personality: Zak is lazy, not in that he doesn't like doing anything, but in that he hates working. He is starting to change, as he will still do whatever needs to be done, but he sometimes complains...
  20. Eeveeon25

    [Shop] Lacuna City Marketplace

    0.o CAN I HAVE THE TRI-ATTACK TOGEPI PLEEZ?! I can give you Stealth Rock or Trick Room! Also, I'll give whichever TM you don't take first in exchange for a Moltres, Suiccune, Celebi, Latios, or Palkia, if you're willing to make a trade like that. Dachet ID
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