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Search results

  1. Phyro Phantom

    Ah, cool. Well, thanks... I'm just feel kinda off about it myself. =/

    Ah, cool. Well, thanks... I'm just feel kinda off about it myself. =/
  2. Phyro Phantom

    Hey Skroy... sorry I've been off for so long. I've been really busy with school and football...

    Hey Skroy... sorry I've been off for so long. I've been really busy with school and football and stuff.
  3. Phyro Phantom

    Hey there... my apologies for being so inactive... I've had a ton of stuff going on with...

    Hey there... my apologies for being so inactive... I've had a ton of stuff going on with school, football, and whatnot... Nice new avatar, by the way. Did you draw it?
  4. Phyro Phantom

    Aw, thanks. I'll probably be keeping it for a while... I think it kinda suits me. (When I'm...

    Aw, thanks. I'll probably be keeping it for a while... I think it kinda suits me. (When I'm in a good mood anyway) Sorry for delayed response, but I've been REALLY busy lately.
  5. Phyro Phantom

    Haha! xD Somehow, I didn't catch this earlier. o_O I think my Pikachu avatar is kinda...

    Haha! xD Somehow, I didn't catch this earlier. o_O I think my Pikachu avatar is kinda brain-implosion-inducing as well, though I'm not sure how much so.
  6. Phyro Phantom

    Hey there... do you mind taking a like at this? I think it came out pretty well, and I've...

    Hey there... do you mind taking a like at this? I think it came out pretty well, and I've started animating it, too. You can also find it at my art thread if you want to leave a review.
  7. Phyro Phantom

    The Great Pokemon Hunt

    Mespiriit. -_- I hate that little pink thing. Since it started wandering around Sinnoh, I've only seen it once - and of course, I didn't catch it.
  8. Phyro Phantom

    Why do You Write?

    I'm usually too lazy to right, but when I do, it's usually to vent/project/share emotions, or to explore a character. Sadly, I'm not too good at it and I get writing blocks whenever I try to write anything.
  9. Phyro Phantom

    Phyro's Random Poké-Arts

    Re: Phyro's Random Poké-Arts And now, time for something completely different... From the newest Fire Emblem games, (banning Shadow Dragon of course ^_^) it's The Black Knight! Um... yeah. This is a Flash Sprite project by the way, so you might see some animations if Imageshack will stop...
  10. Phyro Phantom


    If I miss out on some sexual pleasure because I'm too caught up in my Religion, what's it to you? Everyone else is stating their opinion freely here, and I believe I should be allowed to do the same.
  11. Phyro Phantom


    You may agree with his opinion, but it is clearly against Catholic teachings, so I don't think he really ought to be a priest in the first place. But whatever. Yes, sex produces children - and sex should only be had in marriage, out of respect for the partner, and to ensure that any children...
  12. Phyro Phantom

    What's ironic or surprising in your Pokemon game?

    - The only shiny I've ever gotten (besides Red Gyrados obviously) was a Diglett in FireRed - I caught Moltres in a regular Pokéball in FireRed after lowering it to red HP, putting it to sleep repeatedly, and failing to catch it with about 20 Ultra Balls and 10 Great Balls. - In my first...
  13. Phyro Phantom


    Um... wow. So now I'm the weird one. Well, I was just stating what I think - obviously most of you won't agree, and I didn't really expect you to. If a Catholic priest said that, according to the Church, being gay is morally correct, then we definitely need another Vatican council. -_-...
  14. Phyro Phantom

    Hmm, you're right - both Java and Javascript were based on the C family. However, Java is more...

    Hmm, you're right - both Java and Javascript were based on the C family. However, Java is more complex than Javascript, and they were made by different companies. o_o Go figure...
  15. Phyro Phantom


    Well, obviously they would want to marry because they're attracted to each other and want to live together, but besides living in the same house and sharing finances, I don't think I left that much out of the equation. My opinion is that the base purpose of marriage is to have children. But...
  16. Phyro Phantom

    Mmmkay. As a passing though, I'm pretty sure Java and Javascript were actually made by...

    Mmmkay. As a passing though, I'm pretty sure Java and Javascript were actually made by different companies, the latter ripping off the first one's name for no apparent reason. o_o But I get kinda confused with history and stuff so I may be wrong - I should probably look it up.
  17. Phyro Phantom


    Unchaste thoughts are not encouraged by my religion, and homosexual sex is most certainly banned. So, um, no. Who told you that? Gay people can get married in certain states in the US, actually, (though obviously not in the Church) though we still don't believe in that way of life. As...
  18. Phyro Phantom

    Well, at least I'm pretty sure it's different - I don't actually know Java.

    Well, at least I'm pretty sure it's different - I don't actually know Java.
  19. Phyro Phantom

    Books are nice, but having someone to talk to helps in the learning process. Strangely, Java...

    Books are nice, but having someone to talk to helps in the learning process. Strangely, Java and Javascript are actually very different languages - but both of them are very useful in the computer world, and both are commonly used over the internet.
  20. Phyro Phantom

    Aw, no problem. =) Sorry for late response, but I had stuff to do as well. I'll try to get you...

    Aw, no problem. =) Sorry for late response, but I had stuff to do as well. I'll try to get you a few examples... and I need to work on explaining stuff more often. The problem is that I know the stuff so well that it's like second nature to me - and I often forget that other people may not...
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