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Search results

  1. Phyro Phantom

    Public displays of affection

    If you mean kissing or hugging or whatever, I don't have a problem with that... it's kinda fun to watch as long as they don't see you. =P As for actually... y'know, having sex in public... I've never honestly seen anyone do that. o_O I really don't approve of such a thing - sex is supposed...
  2. Phyro Phantom

    Hmm... that's odd. It appears in both posts now. o_O Maybe it just didn't load. Well, hmm...

    Hmm... that's odd. It appears in both posts now. o_O Maybe it just didn't load. Well, hmm. It's not that bad, but it does need improvement. The fire should look a little more... spikey. Kinda like Cyndaquil's flames. I dunno, that's just how I draw it. It looks okay, but like I said, I...
  3. Phyro Phantom

    Well I was a member before, but that was before we had "thingies" in our accounts in which to...

    Well I was a member before, but that was before we had "thingies" in our accounts in which to post. xD Hmm I don't see it... did you get the link right?
  4. Phyro Phantom

    xD Don't worry, if you keep at it I'm sure you'll improve. =) I never used to be any good at...

    xD Don't worry, if you keep at it I'm sure you'll improve. =) I never used to be any good at drawing. Whoopsies, posted that in my own thingie again -_- Lol I gotta stop doing that
  5. Phyro Phantom

    Phyro's Random Poké-Arts

    Re: Phyro's Random Poké-Arts xD Maybe it's because we like to draw the other gender more. =P Aw well. About that arm... I think you're right. o_O I didn't notice that before. Sorry about your hand, that sounds terrible. =O I've always had a little trouble with my wrist, (it kinda...
  6. Phyro Phantom

    The Average TCoDer

    I guess I'm not your average TCoD-er.
  7. Phyro Phantom

    Lol it looks happy. That's pretty good. xD I've never been that good with pixels.

    Lol it looks happy. That's pretty good. xD I've never been that good with pixels.
  8. Phyro Phantom

    Favorite Character Ever?

    Well, if you ask me, the awesome-est character ever created by mankind would have to be Ike from the Fire Emblem series. And no, not Ike as he appeared in Brawl (that's the watered-down version =P) the real Ike, as seen in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. He owns. xD As for a girl...
  9. Phyro Phantom

    And thanks I guess. xD I drew it myself. =)

    And thanks I guess. xD I drew it myself. =)
  10. Phyro Phantom

    xD Yeah, Pikachu owns. I actually use that facial expression a lot in real life. xD

    xD Yeah, Pikachu owns. I actually use that facial expression a lot in real life. xD
  11. Phyro Phantom

    Phyro's Random Poké-Arts

    Re: Phyro's Random Poké-Arts Aw, something wrong with 'em? Or they just feel kinda shakey? =( Eh, I used to have a lot of trouble with noses. You can't see from this Mawile picture, but I can do them okay now. The hardest thing for me to draw, I think, are ears (the insides are hard...
  12. Phyro Phantom

    You might remember me...

    Yay people who remember me. xD Well, the reason you probably remember my name better than me is that I didn't really get to know anyone that well last time around. I'll try to do better this time in that regard. xD I came up with the name mainly because I like how "fye-roh" sounds even if...
  13. Phyro Phantom

    You might remember me...

    Thank you. =) I guess everyone who would've remembered me has moved on by now... Or else they didn't notice me. (And/or this thread =P) Lol.
  14. Phyro Phantom

    Ah... Never played that game but I've seen commercials and stuff. It looks cool. I should try...

    Ah... Never played that game but I've seen commercials and stuff. It looks cool. I should try it out sometime. xD
  15. Phyro Phantom

    Phyro's Random Poké-Arts

    Re: Phyro's Random Poké-Arts Aw, thank you. I've been working on proportions for a looong time, so it's good to hear that I've finally gotten them somewhat-down. xD I remember when I used to draw humans so skinny that they looked like... um... I don't even know what they looked like. o_O...
  16. Phyro Phantom

    Yeah I probably should have... Well I'll see about posting something up there... I have one...

    Yeah I probably should have... Well I'll see about posting something up there... I have one short little piece that I'm kinda proud of. I guess that one will do for starters.
  17. Phyro Phantom

    I might get one though.

    I might get one though.
  18. Phyro Phantom

    Nope. I seriously considered getting one back when I was um... twelve or thirteen I think. But...

    Nope. I seriously considered getting one back when I was um... twelve or thirteen I think. But then I shied away at the "YOU MUST BE OVAR NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAND" years old thing and decided to wait. xD Well it said thirteen or fourteen to be serious but... it felt a long way off. I also...
  19. Phyro Phantom

    When you eat an apple, do you leave the core?

    Um... I thought you weren't supposed to eat it? I usually don't even get to the core because apples start to taste boring after a while - especially once you get near the core because then it gets all mushy and crunchy at the same time. o_O I've never eaten a core, or known anyone who has... xD
  20. Phyro Phantom

    Aw, I'm sure. And no problem... I know how important it is. xD Maybe I'll show you some of my...

    Aw, I'm sure. And no problem... I know how important it is. xD Maybe I'll show you some of my fanfiction too someday. It sounds a little more "book-ish" but some of it lacks feeling. =/
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