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Search results

  1. Rex

    What would be the BEST Pokemon game?

    Pretty much everything Pichu Chris said, and -When you defeat the Elite Four and you become the champion, you can still continue your journey and you will be notified when you have a challenger at the Elite Four, and then you can battle she/him. -A dodge function like in the anime. It could...
  2. Rex

    Do you have any fears or phobias?

    I guess I'm not too afraid of that many things but... Spiders. Not so much if they're on a wall or the ground or something, but I start to panic if it is on me. Very Tight Spaces. I start to hyperventilate if I am in a tight space for too long. Death. The idea of it scares me.
  3. Rex

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    6/10 Nicely drawn.
  4. Rex

    Scott Pilgrim

    I saw it three times and it's probably my favorite movie so far. I got the game and the comics too.
  5. Rex

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...MOTHERFUCKING GARY OAK. He will then ask you to...
  6. Rex

    Suicide Game! =D

    It happens that I am allergic to adorableness and I explode. I drop a glass of water.
  7. Rex

    Pokemon Memorial Thread

    My Pokemon Silver team: Lv 100 Typhlosion Lv 100 Lugia Lv 97 Suicune Lv 98 Ampharos Lv 97 Gengar Lv 99 Dragonite The Typhlosion was the first Level 100 I ever got. The team was lost after my friend accidentally knocked my GBC out of my hands on onto concrete and the game was destroyed.
  8. Rex

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Now I'm trying to beat Red with level 61 Pokemon. Red's Snorlax and Lapras are getting really annoying.
  9. Rex

    Do you furiously tap the a button when you go to catch a pokemon?

    I press my stylus to the top of the Pokeball when I play a DS game so that the pokemon "can't get out". Works pretty well actually, even though the top screen of the DS isn;t even a touch screen. On GBA games I don't do anything.
  10. Rex

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    If you haven't already, go to the Lavender Town Radio Tower thing and talk to some old guy on the first floor. He will upgrade your Pokegear Radio so you can listen to more stations. Then go to Snorlax and place your tuner thingy on the top star on your Pokegear radio. You should be on a station...
  11. Rex

    Suicide Game! =D

    *The water hits me, making me and wet and everyone laughs at me, kills self due humiliation* *drops eternal happiness*
  12. Rex

    Suicide Game! =D

    *pillow fights self until the roman candles explode* *drops a bottle of hand sanitizer*
  13. Rex

    Suicide Game! =D

    *pillow fights self until the roman candles explode* *drops a bottle of hand sanitizer*
  14. Rex

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    About to face Jasmine for 6th badge :) Team: Quilava 'Erupt' Level 33 -Flame Wheel-Swift-Quick Attack-Ember Noctowl 'Predator' Level 33 -Air Slash-Confusion-Fly-Return Kadabra 'Zangetsu' Level 33 -Psybeam-Shadow Ball-Reflect-Recover Lanturn 'Nite Lite' Level 29 -Surf-Spark-Confuse Ray-Take...
  15. Rex

    How do you pronounce 2010?

    I say Twenty Ten. Two thousand ten or two thousand and ten is too long...
  16. Rex

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    I'm going with HeartGold because I like the exclusive pokemon better(GLISCOOORRRR). But I don't know if I should get Totodile or Cyndaquil.
  17. Rex

    Trends in choice of fighting game characters.

    SSB: Fox SSBM: Fox , Dr.Mario, Luigi SSBB: Falco, Sheik, Ike, Lucario Street Fighter: Ken, Vega, Guile BlazBlue: Ragna, Jin I like quick ones (though some of those up there aren't so quick :D)
  18. Rex

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Castlevania, Pokemon Rumble, Okami (still), and Phantom Houglass (again). Can't wait till I get Spirit Tracks!
  19. Rex


    Uh, um, er, uh. I don't actually own LittleBigPlanet, but I play it at my friend's houses. I love the game and my SackBoy is usually along the lines of: -Neon Wireframe Material -White Neon Eyes -Dinosaur Head -Sackula Trousers -Sock Puppet (hands) -Black Tuxedo All random stuff thrown together.
  20. Rex

    Does holding Down + B when catching something do anything?

    I always hold down the left arrow, A, and B when the trainer throws the Pokeball. Seemed to work for me most of the time. :/
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