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fka Grimdour, for the curious
As is probably obvious, this here's the fanclub for one of the most epic games to hit humanity; LittleBigPlanet!

  • Me~

First task/question/THING: Show me thine Sackperson.

There's my little Sackgirl. Parts:
-White Knit Material
-Boudica Boots & hair
-Ada Lovelace dress
-Pink flower on the side of the hair + Black sticker all over for color
-Crystal earrings (decoration)

Most of it's all from the History Costume pack.
Uh, um, er, uh.

I don't actually own LittleBigPlanet, but I play it at my friend's houses.
I love the game and my SackBoy is usually along the lines of:

-Neon Wireframe Material
-White Neon Eyes
-Dinosaur Head
-Sackula Trousers
-Sock Puppet (hands)
-Black Tuxedo

All random stuff thrown together.
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It still counts. :)

Anyway, for those who care, WATER's coming out along with a Pirates of the Caribbean DLC pack.


I haven't played LBP in a while... but either way, I usually use:

Green Knit Material
Lion Mane
the funny glasses with a mustache

Has anyone here made any custom levels?

I haven't played LBP in a while... but either way, I usually use:

Green Knit Material
Lion Mane
the funny glasses with a mustache

Has anyone here made any custom levels?
One, and I deleted it. I'm working on one, and sadly my thermo's already overheating a bit and I'm barely halfway, not to mention my logic doesn't work very well.
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