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Search results

  1. IcySapphire

    Pokémon badfic sporking community?

    Re: Pokémon badfic sporking community? I wouldn't mind riffing on a cheesy fic...
  2. IcySapphire

    Inside a Poké Ball

    Re: Inside a Poké Ball Although what we see of it is mirrored sides, and the Pokemon emerging from energy, I believe that it provides ameneties to the Pokemon inside (what these amenties are, how much of them there are, and how good of quality they are depend on the ball, so a Poke Ball would...
  3. IcySapphire

    CoroCoro to reveal a "surprising" Pokemon in Movie 13

    Magikarp would be a bit of a stretch....
  4. IcySapphire

    CoroCoro to reveal a "surprising" Pokemon in Movie 13

    ::prays for a Gen V Pokemon::
  5. IcySapphire

    Downloading music: is it theft?

    I believe it is not--it is a good way to get lesser or hard to find stuff heard. that said, I can understand why the music industry sees it that way--as a means to line their own pockets and not pay the artists what they deserve
  6. IcySapphire

    How do you pronounce 2010?

    Re: How do you/will you pronounce 2010? Twenty ten here
  7. IcySapphire

    TCoD Christmas:D

    --Digital camera and gear --Pretty poster for my room --Garfield calander --$200 --Best Buy gift card --GameStop gift card --Movie theater gift card --Some clothes --cookbook
  8. IcySapphire

    Finding your old stuff

    Wow...that makes Furisama, Ritureki, and Aiyandiku (the baby forms of the three birds I created long ago) look tame
  9. IcySapphire

    The Disney Thread

    December 11th (in the US, anyway)
  10. IcySapphire

    Vocaloid Club

    Count me in! Miku, Rin, Luka, Sonika, Meiko, and Kaito are my favorites
  11. IcySapphire

    The Disney Thread

    The early buzz is The Princess and the Frog is awesome--and I'm going to (hopefully) see it opening day
  12. IcySapphire

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen and Pokemon Diamond
  13. IcySapphire

    Hayao Miyazaki's movies

    I have seen Princess Mononoke and Ponyo, but Spirited Away is on my must-see list
  14. IcySapphire

    USA Zelda theme+Japanese Zelda theme=this

    Double your Zelda, double your fun!
  15. IcySapphire


    I have my candy all set--it's in a kitchen drawer so I don't get into it
  16. IcySapphire


    I want to see that one one day too
  17. IcySapphire

    Rival Names

    R/B/Y-Gary G/S/C-Kamon R/S/E-Brendan D/P/Pt-Damion
  18. IcySapphire


    Ever since catching the Irish dance show Riverdance on TV years ago, I have always dreamed of going to see it live. I learned at work this week that it is coming to my town, and work is offering me a chance to go on the 23rd! If everything falls into place, that week will be a dream come true...
  19. IcySapphire

    Favorite Video Game Series

    Mario Zelda Pokemon Mana Final Fantasy Mother Dragon Quest and many many more.
  20. IcySapphire


    Spinning creepy tunes and handing out candy
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