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Search results

  1. IcySapphire

    FML moments

    Taking six tries to beat Brock on my first time through FR/LG, not realizing that he now has Rock Tomb...
  2. IcySapphire

    Favorite Cover Songs?

    If opera Vocaloids Prima and Tonio were real, I would pay good money to hear this.
  3. IcySapphire

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Currently into Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
  4. IcySapphire

    Christmas gifts

    So what have you gotten for Christmas? So far I have: A crock pot Some cute socks Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit DVD A sparkly scarf Sonic Colors (DS)
  5. IcySapphire

    Disney's Tangled

    I found Cupid Guy to just be creepy and weird
  6. IcySapphire

    Your favourite genre of music?

    Celtic, jazz, 80's and 90's pop, anime and VGM
  7. IcySapphire

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Pikachu--if only because the relationship between Ash and his Pikachu is so beautiful
  8. IcySapphire

    Disney's Tangled

    The part with the lanterns and the part where they dance in the town square were my favorite parts
  9. IcySapphire

    Disney's Tangled

    Just got back from seeing this and it is awesome! Anyone else seen it?
  10. IcySapphire

    Epic Christmas Music

    Best version of Deck The Halls ever
  11. IcySapphire

    Crowning Moments of Awesome

    Don't know if this would be Awesome or Funny, but this one needs no introduction--the Lion King's hula scene
  12. IcySapphire

    Crowning Moments of Awesome

    The final faceoff vs. Ganon in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  13. IcySapphire

    Crowning Moments of Awesome

    This memorable moment from Chrono Trigger
  14. IcySapphire

    Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

    I'm definitely picking it up along with Sonic Colors come December
  15. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    The equips could then tweak those stats to your desired role
  16. IcySapphire

    What instrument do you play?

    My voice, if that counts, and a little on the piano
  17. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    I'm likely going to keep Jusqua and Aire as my mages and Brandt and Yunita as my physical fighters (although Yunita may wind up a red mage)
  18. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    Congrats I'm controlling Jusqua in the quest to un-kittyfy Aire
  19. IcySapphire

    Your Pokemon game-ography

    Forgot that I plan to get Black in my list
  20. IcySapphire

    Your Pokemon game-ography

    Blue Yellow Silver Pinball TCG Puzzle League Puzzle Challenge Stadium Stadium 2 Sapphire Emerald Diamond Ranger Trozei MD Red SS
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