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Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

fresh fruit for Adol

even electronic brain pancake crystal elderly
Game came out in Japan two weeks ago. US release is in just two more. Discuss.

I don't wanna say much at risk of spoiling anything, but I can say, after having done nothing but play it for the last week, that it's definitely worth the seven years we've been waiting.

Screw Tyrell, and screw Garet, Eoleo is the best Fire Adept in the series so far. And Stella is beastly, no pun intended. Sound effects are fairly disappointing, but the visuals and music definitely do not disappoint. Eclipse is much sexier this time.

And remember that old Golden Sun TV Ad, with the chandelier dragon hanging in an opera house? Guess what's a summon this time.

Anyway, I have been playing quite a bit. I just got Himi, the last party member. And my suspicions have been confirmed; Kraden is a cyborg.
Does something that actually happens in the game confirm that Kraden is a cyborg, or is it confirmed automatically just because he's not dead yet?

Anyway. Eagerly anticipating having more than five dollars to my name so I can actually buy this! Thanksgiving weekend and dogsitting money can't come soon enough. I know nothing about it other than "durr so I think they had kids, right" because I pay zero attention to fandoms/fansites/most news other than Pokémon, but I'm still excited! From what you've seen, have they managed to make the plot less horrifically cheesy than it sounded based on the E3 news? A yes or no answer will do, I kind of like going into a game blind for once.
Does something that actually happens in the game confirm that Kraden is a cyborg, or is it confirmed automatically just because he's not dead yet?
Just because he's not dead yet :P It's been over 30 years since Alchemy was restored, and he hasn't aged at all. His beard just got longer. Add to that the fact that you still have all this treacherous terrain to cross and Kraden has absolutely no problem with it.

Party in my Pocket indeed...

Anyway. Eagerly anticipating having more than five dollars to my name so I can actually buy this! Thanksgiving weekend and dogsitting money can't come soon enough. I know nothing about it other than "durr so I think they had kids, right" because I pay zero attention to fandoms/fansites/most news other than Pokémon, but I'm still excited! From what you've seen, have they managed to make the plot less horrifically cheesy than it sounded based on the E3 news? A yes or no answer will do, I kind of like going into a game blind for once.

For good reason too, sir :D And yes, the plot is less cheesy than they made it sound. Granted, being a JRPG, there's bound to be some amount of cheese, and some ham once in a while, but you don't have to worry about too much of that here. This is Camelot we're talking about, mang :P
This is Camelot we're talking about, mang :P

Oh, I know, I really didn't want to believe that Camelot could possbily disappoint! It's just that the news report really didn't do it justice, then, I guess.

Fears allayed, now I need money.
I want this game. I've played some of Golden Sun, before I got stuck and my DS began to not work well, but I might decide to emulate the first two games. The first one is very fun, I must say.

The issue is that I don't have too much money to throw around. Maybe I'll ask for it for Christmas...
I want this game. I've played some of Golden Sun, before I got stuck and my DS began to not work well, but I might decide to emulate the first two games. The first one is very fun, I must say.

The issue is that I don't have too much money to throw around. Maybe I'll ask for it for Christmas...

That's a plausible idea; there's a good reason Nintendo's releasing so many awesome games this holiday season :P I'm sure this one is at the top, or at least among the top of many wishlists :D
Hopefully I get some work this weekend so I'll have money to buy this. Does it feel like more the same but better or did they try and innovate a bit?
I fwee'd so much when I heard that they were making a new one. I've played the original and Lost Age, and by god they were amazing. I'm definitely getting this game. :]
Hopefully I get some work this weekend so I'll have money to buy this. Does it feel like more the same but better or did they try and innovate a bit?
More of the same, but better. Motion blur makes everything look nicer than it already did, but then again, it's motion blur. Your mileage may vary on that.

Hey, people who have this game now, how good is it? I'm really considering getting the game for Christmas, but I just want to make sure that it's worth it.

I personally think it's an excellent game. It's not just worth the money, it's worth the seven years fans have waited.
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