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Search results

  1. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    Is it better than the Bard?
  2. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    Is it possible to get the Musician crown without using Wi-Fi? If so, what are that crown's abilities?
  3. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    What is the preferred jobs for everyone?
  4. IcySapphire

    "GODDAMN X!"

    Paper Mario. Huff N. Puff. Need I say more?
  5. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    I got my copy yesterday--on my way to Guera and (hopefully) unlock the Black Mage and the White Mage
  6. IcySapphire

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Dragon Quest 9 (almost to the end!) Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (soon) DDR Extreme 2
  7. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    Thanks for the warning...
  8. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    I'm waiting on my copy too
  9. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    Cool--can't wait to get the game and see these new spells
  10. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    What do Leaf and Lux do?
  11. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    Where can we find a complete list of spells and abilities?
  12. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    No--any class can use magic
  13. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    Based on the reviews, they emphasize its difficulty
  14. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    Europe gets it tomorrow, and Australia gets it on the 14th
  15. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    I just ordered it off of Amazon today--should arrive in the mail in a week
  16. IcySapphire

    Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light

    Anyone have the game? If you have it, what do you think so far? If you don't, do you want to get it?
  17. IcySapphire

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Dragon Quest 9 (about to storm Gittingham Palace) I'm hoping to get Final Fantasy: 4 Warriors of Light soon
  18. IcySapphire

    Nintendo 3DS

    That, and the Star Fox 64 remake too
  19. IcySapphire

    Nintendo 3DS

    The Ocarina of Time remake and the Paper Mario game have me sold!
  20. IcySapphire

    favorite fruits you guys

    Oranges, bananas, and pineapples
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