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Search results

  1. JolteonShock

    [Shop] Sparkly Things

    I'll take the shiny Ninetales, and can offer as many TMs as you want. Be warned, they were obtained by Action Replay. Just tell me which ones you want. ID I'll be available for the rest of the day, and usually after 4 on weekdays (GMT -6).
  2. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    Does anyone know at what level Children become Teenagers? My Fejern is level 23 with 13% until next level up.
  3. JolteonShock

    Pikachu's Plaza

    I like the bot Minun. It's really cool, I find. In the Pokemon Artwork section, none of the artwork will load. It might be a problem on my computor. Also, the Wordsearch comes up as a red X too. I think you might have wanted to type 'See any generator you want codes for?' But I don't know...
  4. JolteonShock

    (Comics) Oh look! 2 Sprite Comics!

    I don't know if you're allowed to post anything unless you actually have...something. but anyway, the plots sound interesting. Are the comics going to be hand drawn, or are they sprite comics?
  5. JolteonShock

    What would you like to see from the league?

    A small tournament would be great. And the TCoD Hall of Fame would definately be a great idea. Maybe a tournament announcing/advertising thread would help get some hype about open tournaments? I believe Kratos mentioned akward timezones? Maybe a thread that would help explain how to calculate...
  6. JolteonShock

    Things that make no sence in Pokemon

    Good point. They have cars, yet they walk around to different towns. Why donesn't Ash just grab a taxi ride to travel around?
  7. JolteonShock

    What would you like to see from the league?

    How about a tournament with points? Like, for every battle you win, you get a certain amount of points. The points could be cashed in for prizes. Sorta like the Battle Castle. I think I would like to see a tournament with a theme, like 'cute' Pokemon or 'cool' Pokemon. Or course, the...
  8. JolteonShock

    Customs and Registration Thread

    Name: JolteonShock Friend Code: 2321 2396 2160 (plat) Role: N/A
  9. JolteonShock

    Magic 8 Ball

    No, but you'll meet his ghost. Will I ever become a Pokemon *shakes the magic ball of 8*
  10. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I added you to my Pal Pad, Dragon. And I clicked all your Pokemon. But I don't think the other person needs a Pal Pad to add them...I just clicked someone's eggs and saw the 'user does not have a Pal Pad yet', but I can still add them if I wanted. Or am I just behind of things? EDIT...
  11. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Did you know that you can get Tye eggs from the Gather Eggs page now? Oh well. Hatch eggs, HATCH! NOWWW!!! *cough*
  12. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    My 'mystery' Ilumise egg is about to hatch!
  13. JolteonShock

    Things that make no sence in Pokemon

    If you check out Serebii.net, I'm pretty sure they have news about he manga. I actually meant manga in my last post. ^^'
  14. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    My Derek evolved, and Moosh too.
  15. JolteonShock

    Just discovered my *running* sprint speed

    Hell, I'm underweight, yet no matter how much I eat I never gain weight. Damn fast metabolisms. And I'm really slow. I think I ran the 200 m in 43.35 seconds.
  16. JolteonShock

    Things that make no sence in Pokemon

    I'm pretty sure Pokemon DOES have an anime. That Pokemon adventure special? Or something like that? What never made sense to me is how Brock's eyes are always closed. Honestly, you can't live with your eyes squinting or closed or whatever they are without hurting yourself. And if he's...
  17. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    My Moosh and Derek both need only two clicks each to evolve
  18. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I'll add you. I'm adding everyone who happens to be in this club. Wait...I already said that. ^^'
  19. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Got the Pal Pad! And I'm adding anyone in this club who have happens to have a Pal Pad, too. That means you, FMC! Mwhuhahaha! Erhem...in other news, my Sneasel egg hatched, I figured out what the 'mystery' egg is (an Ilumise) and I got another in the hopes that I won't figure it out. And...
  20. JolteonShock

    Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests (open)

    Okay, cover your eyes if you want to keep them intact. Here it is:
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