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Search results

  1. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    you´re welcome C:
  2. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    It looks silly^^ Moahaha! it´s an evil devil Dunsparce!
  3. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Sure you can, I´ll be rigth on it ;) and here are the morphs; (the groudonisch parts are almost only scratches...) Moahaha! I´m Mr. Muscle!
  4. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Mufufufufufu.... 2 done, 2 more to go. Here you are ;)
  5. Maron

    I'm new. Feed me.

    Hello, and welcome^^
  6. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    it´s such a cutie :3
  7. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Sure you can, Gardevoir, I´m on it! Mweheheh it worked^^ though it looks very... odd. Also, I´ve started to morph all legendaries, here are the the first ones;
  8. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Glad you loved them, Mewtwo :) You´re rigth Zulo, that can be tricky, but I think I´ve got an idea...
  9. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    uhm, yeah, they look little weirdy, but I still like them^^
  10. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Mweheheh... it looks so silly :3 Spooky :O I´m on the bubblyfications, Mewtwo. :)
  11. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Yes, it´s very weirdlooking... :3
  12. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    thanks! Fear the almigthy Bubblypuff!
  13. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    thanks! here are two new: Mewtwo water verision ;) Bubblydash!
  14. Maron

    What are you thinking?

    We had an earwig in the sugar X(
  15. Maron

    Hello there

    Thanks :) ja det är kul, speciellt att skriva på svenska :)
  16. Maron

    What is your favorite font style ?

    Century Gothic is beautiful
  17. Maron

    Tea or Coffee?

    Re: The great debate Tea, it tastes much better than coffee...
  18. Maron

    How many of you want to go back to school?

    Yes, but i don´t like it. I just can´t stand doing nothing all day long. (Not that I like being bored and fall asleep during math...)
  19. Maron

    What Languages Do You Speak?

    Swedish and English, I´m pretty good at Spanish too. I can say some few words in French and Japanese.
  20. Maron

    most useless item???

    the journal, I don´t like it :X
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