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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

most useless item???

The iron ball. But, Flinging it is pretty nice, as it does a lot of damage. I hate it cause it makes pokemon slower, and it makes ground type moves hit flying types. I wouldn't sacrifice my Staravia for EQ.
As well as the Calcium/Zinc/Protein/all the rest. I prefer training, unless I'm in desperate need.
they save quite a lot of time O_o
The iron ball. But, Flinging it is pretty nice, as it does a lot of damage. I hate it cause it makes pokemon slower, and it makes ground type moves hit flying types. I wouldn't sacrifice my Staravia for EQ.
that's what trick/switcheroo is for
The Oak Parcel.
Running Shoes, post-Bicycle.
Keys, post-use
The Red Chain
Guard Spec., Dire Hit, X-Stat
Recovery Items. Proper training prevents you from having to heal so frequently.
Medicines. Lowers the Pokémon's Happiness stat. Pointless, in my opinion.
anything you wouldn't be able to use in competitive battling :D like potions and crap though i do agree the journal is worse.
oh well; at least you can sell most of those things. you can't get rid of the old rod and the good rod can still give you magikarp :V
The rare bone. It sells for money. Period.
Definitely NOT the running shoes. Can't bike inside, can we?
The journal only serves to annoy me when I turn the the game on after a week of doing something else. :V
Oren berries pretty much after the beginning of a Pokémon game. There are much better items that do the same as oran berries, except they are more use.
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