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Search results

  1. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Fredie's Sprite Shop!

    Thanks (adds to blaziken army)
  2. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Fredie's Sprite Shop!

    Splicing form Pokemon #1 Blaziken (base) Pokemon #2 Venomoth Pokemon #3 none Shiny sprite : no Have a glow : No
  3. Shiny Cofagrigus

    [DEAD] PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop

    Re: PokeNetts Lab - Adoptable Shop Name : Monty Nettball : Chocolate Owner : Pokedreamer BB Code or HTML : can i have both ?
  4. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Hi lucas thanks for the sprites !

    Hi lucas thanks for the sprites !
  5. Shiny Cofagrigus


    splice blaziken and linoone blazikien base
  6. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open Zuea Pokemon Mixs

    Re: zuea pokemon mixs blaziken buneary
  7. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open Zuea Pokemon Mixs

    Re: zuea pokemon mixs buneary combusken please
  8. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open Zuea Pokemon Mixs

    Re: zuea pokemon mixs torchic and buneary
  9. Shiny Cofagrigus


  10. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Oranges and Lemons - Reborn

    can i have a cool boy morphed to look like blaziken
  11. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Bring Back the Adoption Center?

    I want It back too sounds Fun !
  12. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! can you revamp Typhlosion from gold
  13. Shiny Cofagrigus

    people can be very rude from the start so Its good to make friends

    people can be very rude from the start so Its good to make friends
  14. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Hello I hope you like the cave of dragonflies

    Hello I hope you like the cave of dragonflies
  15. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Tropiking's Sprite Shop

    Blaziken rock sculpture
  16. Shiny Cofagrigus

    ☼ ~Sunny's Sprite Cavern~ ☼

    Re: Sunny's Sprite Shop! Format : Peace Sign Pokemon : Torchic , Combusken , Blaziken Background : (for torchic) Small campfire flame, (for combusken) Flaming Field , (for blaziken) Blazing Flames
  17. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Hey Hey, a new sprite shop!

    Can I have a blaziken Pokezoo
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