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Search results

  1. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Open Warriors: Rise of The BloodMoon

    Rainpaw realized that the cat was already in a conversation, as his face fell. "Oh, are you busy? Sorry. I'll leave you alone..." Suddenly, he heard Stealthstar, the ShadowClan leader, yowl for the Gathering to begin. Rainpaw, unsure what to do, simply stopped and turned toward the leaders.
  2. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Name on the internet.

  3. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    The Obama Llama Song!
  4. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Is There a Website You Hate? (or want to make fun of?)

    @_@ I just went there and got scarred for life.... Haha, I tried destroying my own site. Acid pee is weird.
  5. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    The Beedrill drill at the bottom doesn't look right; the shading seems too square and blocky. By the way, what does "C+CC" stand for?
  6. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    One of the worst ways to die

    o_O That is freaky. And I just realized that the only chair in my room is an office chair. But then again, these are pretty bad, too.
  7. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    What is your school like?

    Hehe, in my school, if you're not part of a clique, you're screwed. (these clique names are just things I made up that I thought were descriptive) First, there's the "politics" clique. There's like five girls and two boys that always eat lunch in my Social Studies teacher's classroom and...
  8. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    The 0_o thread

    Uh, last week, I was walking home from school, when these two seventh graders grabbed me and kidnapped took me to my math teacher's classroom and she made me do math problems. Meanwhile, my parents were freaking out. ....yeah.
  9. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Open Warriors: Rise of The BloodMoon

    ((Yay, Exo-Raikou should be coming back any day now!))
  10. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Keepers of the Stones-Signups

    Name: Eddie Age: 13 Gender: Male Stone/Government Position: Topaz Appearance: Uh, well, he's Asian. Okay, obviously he has black hair. It's smooth and straight, and bangs go down to his eyes. His sideburns go down to his ears, while the hair on the back of his head goes down to his neck. He's...
  11. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    How come this thread doesn't exist yet?

    Happy birthday, Butterfree and Negrek. ....that's weird, Butterfree hasn't made an update saying its her birthday yet.
  12. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Keepers of the Stones-Signups

    Ooh, this looks fun. But like all the stones I wanted were taken. :unsure: StyliBoy, can you reserve Topaz for me?
  13. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Where do babies come from?

    ....no comment.
  14. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    It was the third time, so it'd do around medium damage, I guess.
  15. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    I'm pretty sure it was Rollout; the Donphan rolled up into a ball and hit the Aggron.
  16. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Pokemon Memorial Thread

    Sceptile Scepty, my Sceptile. It was my first Lv. 100 on any Pokemon game (Sapphire), but someone broke into our house and stole the game. On the day before we moved.
  17. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    Okay, this is the No. 1 thing that bothers me about the Anime. The. Dubbers. Suck. I mean, I was watching an episode today, and Ash tells Pikachu to use Volt Tackle, like this: "Pikachu! Use Volt Tackle!" But somehow, his mouth is open when he says "pika" and suddenly flops open and closed...
  18. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    The Challenge Board

    I'll challenge you with my awesome Pokemon from my awesome profile.
  19. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    The Challenge Board

    Here, I'll take you on. This is my first ASB, by the way, so I'm really excited. And here's my profile.
  20. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, the parachute ripped, while you had a sudden urge to eat a hamburger.
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