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Search results

  1. H

    Quirky Mafia

    *Memes Dangit, I'm to tired to do this stuff. I'm going to pass out.
  2. H

    Quirky Mafia

    Mewtini, do you have to reference meme's/pop culture in your posts?
  3. H

    Quirky Mafia

    Blastoise, is your quirk to have no quirk
  4. H

    Quirky Mafia

    Quirks can be anything you know. Even something that you might not expect. Think outside the box. I'm still not experienced with Mafia I guess. Nonetheless, I'm going to keep trying. At the moment I feel no foul intentions from anyone, but I have nothing concrete.
  5. H

    Quirky Mafia

    You guys already gave up on deciphering my quirk?
  6. H

    Quirky Mafia

    Seems like an rp into for your posts? Am I right Vanilla?
  7. H

    Quirky Mafia

    *Guys Sorry I mistype things by accident on this 3ds.
  8. H

    Quirky Mafia

    No. That is not my quirk. You guts were closer earlier.
  9. H

    Quirky Mafia

    Also, I'm not trying to reverse suspicions, I just wanted to see the results.
  10. H

    Quirky Mafia

    Whatever. I'm not going to abstain, though. You people do what you want, when Mafia wins I'll just sit here sighing.
  11. H

    Quirky Mafia

    As I said before I was testing the water, I'm only voting for reactions and such. But it's becoming obvious that this tactic won't work because everyone abstains. Unvote:Absoul
  12. H

    Quirky Mafia

    Is that a question? Because otherwise I can't say anything. I play Mafia differently, so that's why my philosophy is different. I don't necessarily believe in random lynching, but rather pressing people to discover slip ups. Also, how is it that by voting I'm mafia, please explain.
  13. H

    Quirky Mafia

  14. H

    Quirky Mafia

    I'm not aiming to kill anyone right now. I just want to test the water.
  15. H

    Quirky Mafia

    Bah are we really not even going to try to do anything? Are we going to hide under the covers. We have days for a reason.
  16. H

    Quirky Mafia

    Apparently Zexion likes to reference money in his post. Is that it? Anyway, Vote:Absoul, abstaing is a silly thing to do, you fool. So I'm voting you.
  17. H

    Quirky Mafia

    Abstaining is silly. By voting we can discover other players intentions, if we just sit around and do nothing we'll learn little. That's why I decided to vote, to get things stated. So Absoul converts parts of his posts into another language.
  18. H

    About posting in the thread.

    About posting in the thread.
  19. H

    Oh whoops. That was stupid. >-> That's what happens when you get on a forum after 3 hours of...

    Oh whoops. That was stupid. >-> That's what happens when you get on a forum after 3 hours of work on Spanish. I'm sorry.
  20. H

    Quirky Mafia

    Hello everyone. How are you all? Hmmm... #Vote:Light When are you not Evil Mr. Killer or should I say Kira?
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