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Search results

  1. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    I like that. :'D
  2. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    I really like how it's going. So is good oc from true reality (Earth itself?) & Velian leaves it to him to save the multiverse, by gathering a team, while he investigates the going ons?
  3. H

    Legedns of canto: mewto's Ultimatem(signups)

    Beecuz yur dictdhpnsrndtjmbrgbv(Sori mai kat) Beecuz yur Dictshionary shucks! Go awa Ziggiles!
  4. H

    Legedns of canto: mewto's Ultimatem(signups)

    To layte Boottterfrey wheel ben U!
  5. H

    Legedns of canto: mewto's Ultimatem(signups)

    Zat's it! I'm gooing too repurt u to Boottterfrey! Boottterfrey Ben them al!
  6. H

    Legedns of canto: mewto's Ultimatem(signups)

    Steop bullian mee!
  7. H

    Legedns of canto: mewto's Ultimatem(signups)

    Nuu! Eye Deed not steel! Hee's compleetley ooorigeenal! U joost doon't wont mee too play!
  8. H

    Legedns of canto: mewto's Ultimatem(signups)

    [b]NAME:[b] Jaycab [b]backsTORY:[b] Jaycab is a normal guy from the Poke'mon world that got thrut into this magic aveentur by hes Gurlfrand hur name isnt nown because vanila mongose didnt post a nam >:/ [b]discription:[b] Hees a stuning ly beatiful guy with blonde hair thats the color of gold...
  9. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    They'd have to be very ambiguous. But ehh, if it's believeable I'll buy it (Unless everyone who's good is dumb) So now we just wait? :'o
  10. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    :l Pretty sure that'd be impossible.
  11. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    I actually like that. But would good oc be able to outst him?(Uless Bad oc is just that good)
  12. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    Though the isles, the place where the subspace opening bombs were made blew up, it was never specified that all the subspace bombs were gone. All one would need is to find a bomb and set it off. An easy task for one such as Bad OC. Oh so were almost there! Woop! :'D
  13. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    So what else do we need? >w>
  14. H

    Congratulations, Miss. Butterfree. :D

    Congratulations, Miss. Butterfree. :D
  15. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    Note, to save time I'm referring to Kai's characters as good OC and bad OC atm. Brainstorming ideas... -Bad OC leads the villians in a sort of evil organization. -Good OC and Bad OC represent a moral spectrum with Good OC representing perfection and lack of evil while Bad OC represents Sin...
  16. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    Yay! I'm glad there was so much progress even though I was gone(Sorry bout that). Anyway if we're using Kai's idea we need to adress two things. Who and Why or Who are these characters and why are they in a fight. I also would rather not prefer the Earth "Dimension" ... Though, I guess in one...
  17. H

    Gun Control

    This is exactly how I feel. America as a country was built on violence and that obsession with it and power has caused an idealization of it. I mean seriously, look at have the movies out here nowadays and they're all shooter flicks with explosions and such. e^e
  18. H

    >Feel incrediblly guilty

    *Jumps off cliff*
  19. H

    >Feel incrediblly guilty

    ^/^" Yea I got really swept up with life and school, and ya know... Sorry about the Mafia game. :o
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