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Search results

  1. H

    >Feel incrediblly guilty

    I can't believe I've been gone for 2 months. >x<
  2. H

    The Great Fandom Crossover Mafia (MAFIA WIN)

    Re: The Great Fandom Crossover Mafia (Game in Progress) Flora What's with the activity drop as of late? Is it the server?
  3. H

    So I herd you liek mudkipz - Fan Club

    Thyself must apologizeth for Thy absence.
  4. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    If we went that route, it could connect the dimensions/universes/whateveryouwanttocall it and could encourage communication and huge changes over the whole rp world(s). It could modernize places, but there is also the underlying fact that villains are still around.
  5. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    True, true. If anything, it might instigate people to research said character, sharing your interest.
  6. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    I had an idea. Remeber in Chrono Triger... SPOILERS Luccas uses the Transporting machine which caused a rift in Space? What if a few intelligent charcters(From various games, worked on various types of space transportation devices, which would be activated at a close proximity of...
  7. H

    The Great Fandom Crossover Mafia (MAFIA WIN)

    Re: The Great Fandom Crossover Mafia (Game in Progress) Colors left!? When? <:O
  8. H

    Favorite Quotes

    While I can't quote it from memory, the comphy shorts kid. ... He's eeeeeeeeveeeerywheeeereee...
  9. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    That is a very good point. With Many Groups and a good amount of players, things can get confusing fast. More so if younchoose a character from obscure media.
  10. H

    The Great Fandom Crossover Mafia (MAFIA WIN)

    Re: The Great Fandom Crossover Mafia (Game in Progress) I thought this had died. :/
  11. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    We now need to establish how and what made said event. Also, what kind of crossover is this? TV show crossover, SSBB Crossover, Manga Crossover, all media Crossover are some ideas.
  12. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    Yeah, a year would be good. I'm actually playing FFVI right now too!
  13. H

    Mass Crossover Planning Thread

    Hmm I am interested. May I join this discussion? Also what kind of crossover are you considering? Will you use cannon characters, or make them NPCs? On your point for the apocalypse, SEF, It could affect the characters and setting. This is just what I feel. A long term Post Apocalyptic...
  14. H

    The Great Fandom Crossover Mafia (MAFIA WIN)

    Re: The Great Fandom Crossover Mafia (Game in Progress) I reeeeeeeaaally hope that wasn't our cop. Didn't she hint at Phoenix Wright? That'd be a pretty obvious thing to say though(Giver her away). Could she have been trying to take the kill? The Metal monster seemed really weird. The only...
  15. H

    The Great Fandom Crossover Mafia (MAFIA WIN)

    Re: The Great Fandom Crossover Mafia (Game in Progress) Not much info yet. Hmm... ##Vote:Abstain
  16. H

    Open Gijinka City (actual RP)

    Saki had finished her battle with the dust and dirt in the inn. Exhausted, she made her way to the bath she had prepared for herself earlier. Once inside the bathroom, she undressed gingerly, folded her clothes and took a long hot bath. That new possible tenant seemed nice, I wonder if she'll...
  17. H

    Open Gijinka City (actual RP)

    Saki was rather disturbed by the sudden appearance of the black haired Woman, but decided to continue cleaning. Meanwhile Mazan started to head back to the Inn.
  18. H

    Open Gijinka City (actual RP)

    Saki:Leon inn "Oh-oh! Your here for a room!?" yesyesyesyesyes! Someone other than Mazan is here! Finally! We were almost in the red. phew!... Saki kinda went out of it for a moment, lost in her thought before remembering the Gijinka. "Sure! We have a few room open..." ------------- Mazan-Bakery...
  19. H

    Open Gijinka City (actual RP)

    "Oh a tenant!? You should ask Ms. Saki! She right over there!" Mazan said pointing to Saki, who was in battle with a water stain. "Pardon me but I hafta go!" The blond Ampharos Gijinka rushes past Tesse, heading off to the unknown. He had infact actually been heading towards the Bakery. Mazan...
  20. H

    Fallen London Mafia

    Dangerous seems to be Bodyguard/killing role Shadowy seems like theif/rolecop/Framer Persuasive seems Mayor/Rediredter Watchful seems like cop/oracle At least those are my impressions.
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