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Search results

  1. H

    Open Gijinka City (actual RP)

    Saki, meanwhile was inside, cleaning up the lobby. Doing her best to clean. She had just finished dusting-albeit it was a sub-par job-and had started to organize the front desk. Mazan, meanwhile, had just breezed down the stairs, his hair a little messy, and his clothes not smoothed. "Your...
  2. H

    Happy birthday! From the random guy you don't know! :D

    Happy birthday! From the random guy you don't know! :D
  3. H

    Colours Mafia

    So when do you predict the game starting. You may also want to consider pm everyone to find who's still active.
  4. H

    Fallen London Mafia

    Actions? You mean are first point additions or are second, or what?
  5. H

    The Gijinka City

    I personally think we should start. Besides, starring may actually atract more people, who may be unsure on whether to join.
  6. H

    Historically Inaccurate Mafia (Mafia Win)

    What kind of Crossover?
  7. H

    Historically Inaccurate Mafia (Mafia Win)

    Re: Historically Inaccurate Mafia (Game in progress) Good Game Guys, I had fun watching!
  8. H

    So I herd you liek mudkipz - Fan Club

    Thy rule eth difficult to followeth. But I shallth obeyith ye rules.
  9. H

    The Gijinka City

    Form: FORM DOS Username: Harvest Ty Name: Saki Leon Town Job: Owns the Leon Inn Gijinka: Nope Gender: Female Age: 28 History: Saki was born in the Gijinka City, her Mother, Marie Leon, who was a Chimecho Gijinka and the daughter of the original founder of the inn. Her Mother Married her father...
  10. H

    The Gijinka City

    So...when shall we start? :3
  11. H

    The Gijinka City

    Form: IT'S A FORM, DERP. Username: Harvest Ty Name: Mazan Town Job: Works full time at the nearby inn/hotel(Cleaning N' studf) Gijinka: Ampharos Gender: Male Age: 18 History: Mazan was born in a northern city, where he, hos parents and siblings had lived. Mazan had been afflicted with a medical...
  12. H

    Anyone else play Harvest Moon?

    Harvest Moon? Oh I'm a nerd when it comes to the series. Ummm...Let's see. I've played -The one for the SNES on the VC(It's the original right?) -Animal Parade -One of the GB ones(Can't remember) -Grand Bazar -Tale of Two Towns -Tree of Happiness Gosh I love this series-The spinoff Rune...
  13. H

    The Second Meeting

    *I meant sit
  14. H

    The Second Meeting

    Well at this point we have 2 abstains and 1 Vote for Aleth. I guess we just gotta sot and wait for everyone else, hopefully they'll come.
  15. H

    The Gijinka City

    Is this a literate rp?(Like with A few sentences/paragrapgs)
  16. H

    So I herd you liek mudkipz - Fan Club

    I hath heardth that this was a establishment for thosith whom liketh kips of thee mud. Moi shallth join and be united in ye pact of thy kips of thee mud.
  17. H

    The Second Meeting

    Shame on you people for giving up. :<
  18. H

    The Second Meeting

    So now what. We can't do anything woth over half the group not posting.
  19. H

    The Second Meeting

    Is it possible for there to be an oracle? That would explain the letter, if it's authentic.
  20. H

    The Second Meeting

    I-I Think I'll Abstain.
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