• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Search results

  1. H

    A Wild Harvest Ty appeared!

    Thank you for the welcome! I'm really glad to be here. Thanks for the advice to LuckyLapras. If I have any questions I'll be sure to ask. Maybe I'm a ninja and I just avoided all the greetings? :3
  2. H

    *claps* Your sig has made my day.

    *claps* Your sig has made my day.
  3. H

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I feel that way about alot of IV and V generation pokemon. They just seem very forgettable as of late. I don't really know why. I guess my interest just started to decline after Emerald?
  4. H

    Yet Another Association Game

    Pokemon Cards.
  5. H

    A Wild Harvest Ty appeared!

    What should Trainer Forum Members do? -GREET -BORE USER TO DEATH -FLEE -USE ITEM X'3 Anyway hello you people out there~ I'm Harvest Ty. I just wandered over here, being bored, with nothing to do,/shot/Ineedalife/fail Sooooo... I like to rp(Semi Literate(I hate those asterisks and...
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