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Search results

  1. Zoroark

    Been a while

    Tell me: Do you also read for fun? Greetings. I am Zoroark and I think I'd remember if I'd met you before. I suspect that lack of familiarity makes 'Welcome Back' an inappropriate greeting from me.
  2. Zoroark

    Name things you can do in video games!

    Build a castle for architects, design a moat that will eventually flood the castle, fill the moat with sewage and then generate enough power for four different cities out of the sewage you filled the moat with. (Cities Skylines)
  3. Zoroark

    If you were in charge of your country, what would you do?

    The first thing I'd do is listen to my advisors if they're telling me how to implement a policy. It is frankly astonishing to me how many political leaders refuse to listen to the very people who have been hired and put in place to inform them about policy decisions.
  4. Zoroark

    The Problem with NFTs

    Assumptions. I mistakenly assumed that you were constantly being bombarded with articles about NFTs, and that this constant advertisment was the source of your ire. Please accept my apologies. That part is rather simple. You look for ongoing discussions on the subject and you warn the...
  5. Zoroark

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I have discovered a website dedicated exclusively to the Light Novels which presage many popular anime series. Search Engine Keywords: 'Light, Novel, Online, Free, Translated'. My personal favourite is novelsonline which has a .net website address, but that is only because it has an audio...
  6. Zoroark

    The Problem with NFTs

    I have no opinion on NFTs and there's a very good reason for that. I'm a reader. I read. Nothing about this graffiti-artwork based cryptocurrency appears in any of the books that I'm reading. I'm not even slightly tempted into joining any of it, because it looks like a rich-person problem...
  7. Zoroark

    the ((finished)newest?) search for the secret link. oh boy.

    Of course not. Had it been placed so arbitrarily it would not follow the obvious logic. This would make it less appealing, while also being far harder to find and remember where it is placed once it has been found. I understand that specific clue is more about layout and colouration, than a...
  8. Zoroark

    the ((finished)newest?) search for the secret link. oh boy.

    Is this still relevant? I ask because I see two 'Secret Link' threads on the first page and it would be figuratively flogging a dead horse to add yet another one, no matter how old this discussion has become. I shall add that I found the Secret Link within two minutes of seeing this thread and...
  9. Zoroark

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I have discovered the Infinite Notebook Technique (look up 'Niklas Luhmann's Zettelkasten' for the basis of the technique if you are curious. The relevant search-engine keywords are contained within apostrophes for your convenience). Now I can write down, collate and index all of the books I...
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