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Search results

  1. Bulbamew

    What's Your Favorite Pokémon?

    Re: What's Your Favorite Pokèmon? Yeah. In fact, I now really regret not putting the ninja frogs in my top 10. Looks like Articuno is going to have to make some room. Doing top 10s is too hard, they change all the time -_-
  2. Bulbamew

    X/Y Progress thread

    Alas, my brother remains useless. Only Aipom and Minccino in here. How do you see what type you are? Can you?
  3. Bulbamew

    X/Y Progress thread

    Well my little brother George is a Normal type. COME ON BRING ON THE DITTOS (the chances are astronomical, but there's a chance nonetheless)
  4. Bulbamew

    X/Y Progress thread

    Wow, that does sound kind of cool. Now I'm intrigued as to what type I am. According to the TCoD test I am Ice :sunglasses:
  5. Bulbamew

    X/Y Progress thread

    I'm busy doing other stuff on mine at the moment. Could someone explain the Friend Safari to me? I've seen it but not had chance to try it out. It sounds pretty cool though.
  6. Bulbamew

    X/Y Progress thread

    Thanks. I just forgot about each E4 member, other than Wikstrom, since I barely saw them. FYI, Wikstrom gave me the most trouble. Or rather, only Wikstrom gave me any trouble, at all. His Aegislash, specifically.
  7. Bulbamew

    Pokemon X/Y

    I don't use the EXP Share. I find it takes a lot of the point of the game away. My little brother (who's 8 years old, so it's kind of OK) used it. His Chesnaught kicks ass and all, Spiky Shield is a brilliant move that beat the last Gym for him (he was on the brink of losing because it was both...
  8. Bulbamew

    What's Your Favorite Pokémon?

    Re: What's Your Favorite Pokèmon? According to the test someone posted (which has more flaws than the Empire State Building, but whatever) these are my top 10: 1. Bulbasaur 2. Ivysaur 3. Venusaur 4. Dragonite 5. Sudowoodo 6. Articuno 7. Froslass 8. Butterfree 9. Blaziken 10. Kingler Don't get...
  9. Bulbamew

    Daily Human Discussions

    She owns a Dragonite in Emerald rematches, which is one of my favourite Pokémon. Also, in the Japanese B2/W2's PWT where you can do the Legendary Pokemon tournament, she gets Rayquaza, which is badass.
  10. Bulbamew

    Daily Human Discussions

    Looking at her on your avatar/whatever it's called, she does look a lot cooler than Skyla in my opinion, and Falkner cheats with under-levelled Pidgeottos, so yeah, go Winona :sunglasses:
  11. Bulbamew

    Yet Another Association Game

    Super Smash Bros Brawl
  12. Bulbamew

    What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You?

    Re: What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You? 80% Gamer. You have a burning interest in Pokémon gaming. 10% Animé-freak. You have no interest in the Pokémon animé. 80% Pokémon Know-it-all. You have a burning interest in researching Pokémon. 65% Obsessed. Pokémon is one of the...
  13. Bulbamew

    Daily Human Discussions

    I always found Winona to be quite hard from what I remember. Although there was an extra incentive to beat her, since the reward was Fly :)
  14. Bulbamew

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Finished Pokémon X, absolutely loved it :)
  15. Bulbamew


    It has recently been announced, and confirmed by Nintendo on their official website, that saving and quitting the game in parts of Lumiose City may render the game unplayable. The 'forbidden' areas simply consist of the 'outer circle' of the city. The streets on the inside, the centre circle...
  16. Bulbamew

    Favourite Villains

    I would say the original Team Plasma are my personal favourite. The only thing I really liked better about Neo Plasma were the new outfits which I thought were better
  17. Bulbamew

    What's Your Favorite Pokémon?

    Re: What's Your Favorite Pokèmon? Bulbasaur, being my first ever Pokemon. And also basically everyone in my sig, and Mew and Articuno :s
  18. Bulbamew

    Rate the Signature above you!

    7/10 Not really sure what to think of this to be honest. Looks funny though
  19. Bulbamew

    Pokemon X/Y

    I'm hoping those are not the type combinations, it's way unfair on Xerneas. On the subject of Sylveon, it best not be female only (although if you do get Eevee near the start I will probably stick with what I know)
  20. Bulbamew

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I do too. :P
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