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Search results

  1. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! Grin stood at a stand-off with a Shiftry. It unleashed a swift, and Grin ran through the swift, dodging the stars along the way. Shiftry shot out a punch, and Grin backflipped to avoid it. Without a warning, the Shiftry used Leaf Storm, and Grin got caught inside...
  2. Grinning Calamity

    The Pokemon World Cup - Semifinals

    Go Scyther! Show them all that bugs aren't crap!
  3. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! "Well, I guess just because I'm strong enough to take down legions of Pokemon doesn't mean everone can... I'm just too strong!" Grin bragged and chuckled, exaggerating, of course. He led them through a series of passages, until reaching a large door in a random...
  4. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! Grin walked down a random path. "Right-O! Follow me, and you shall see, the only path, for you and me!" He talked nervously, because he had no idea where to go. Eh, let's just hope we come across Darkrai soon...
  5. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! Grin laughed. "It means they're a bunch-a sissy, prissy, tea-time, girly-girls!" He slapped his knee and half expected the girls to hit him.
  6. Grinning Calamity

    Howdy. What's yours 'cept mines is G.C.?

    Howdy. What's yours 'cept mines is G.C.?
  7. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! Grin came back. "Oh, right. I guess you guys would need my help, after all, I am pretty awesome..." He said, while flexing. "So, what now?"
  8. Grinning Calamity

    Howdy. What's yours 'cept mines is G.C.?

    Howdy. What's yours 'cept mines is G.C.?
  9. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! Grin chuckled. "Ha, well, seeing as how I just fell through a wall, I think I have a few ideas..." He walked back to the spot he had come in at, and went back through the wall into the hallway. Once he got there, he stuck his hand back into the cell and motioned...
  10. Grinning Calamity

    Open TEA-The Elemental Alliance

    Shin walked to the middle of the room. "Listen guys, I know that patrolling isn't the best job in the world, but something seems different about this one. I can feel it." He did his best to show his enthusiasm, but he still felt as bad as everyone else. Their squad wasn't exactly the best...
  11. Grinning Calamity

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    (lol) Kilik was fascinated by the battle between Tai and Cisele, and the transformations. I wonder if I could do that? He looked down at his hands, where a few ice shards began to form. I have power, but I need to learn how to use it. And I'll do it without turning evil. Still... He looked...
  12. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! (Okely-Dokely) Grin walked around Darkrai's headquarters stealthily, then knocking-out any guards he saw, until he came to a curious wall. I wonder why this certain section is painted a different color... Wait, if I look closely, it's see-through. Oh, it's a...
  13. Grinning Calamity

    Who can post the most awesome thing?

    This is pretty cool, but ignore the ads and loading times.
  14. Grinning Calamity

    Final Fantasy XIII... on Xbox 360!

    Man, I only own a Wii, but the PS3 looks awesome. If only it was cheaper.
  15. Grinning Calamity

    Guild Wars

    I play Guild Wars, casually, but I used to be, like, obsessed. GW is pretty awesome, and right now, I'm leveling up a warrior in Factions. What I really like doing, is using my spike sin build in alliance battles(I'm kurzick).
  16. Grinning Calamity

    Open TEA-The Elemental Alliance

    Shin stood over the map of the world's nations displayed on the table in front of him. It was another strategic meeting of TEA, and Shin was in charge of his squadron. "Shin, I want your squadron to begin a trek to the Southern Air Temple and patrol around that area. Right now, the Fire Nation...
  17. Grinning Calamity

    Open TEA-The Elemental Alliance

    Wow... it took a while, but people actually joined! (I feel so loved! XD) Okay, all accepted, and I think I'll close it now(but I don't know how...) (btw, to MewX, that's fine.)
  18. Grinning Calamity

    Open The Darkest Hour (halfway through plot)

    Re: The Darkest Hour- REMADE! Grin shifted slowly in his special cell and yawned. "What a good sleep. What was I gonna do? Oh, right. That." He sighed. Darkrai must have set me here and not killed me because he needs me. After all, I was pretending to work with him. To think that Darkrai...
  19. Grinning Calamity

    Lol, just because it's invisible, doesn't mean it's not tasty...

    Lol, just because it's invisible, doesn't mean it's not tasty...
  20. Grinning Calamity


    Lol, trust me, Fer-Snazzle is pretty good at not caring what others think of him. But anyway, just go comfortable. Me, I just slap on shorts and a T-Shirt everyday. If people give you a hard time about, just tell them you don't care. If you think that you're too boring that way, then get to...
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