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Open TEA-The Elemental Alliance

Grinning Calamity


An Avatar: The Last Airbender RP:

This is basically my first, so any recommendations or things I should do would be appreciated.

The Rules:
-No Flaming
-No being the Avatar (He won't be a part of this one, it's just about the players)
-You may have different-colored, or special bending properties, just stick to the normal elements, no making up new ones
-You may be related to the original TV characters
-Know how strong you are, and know your limits
-Keep language to a small amount, please
-If your character has some kind of crush on someone else's character, make sure it's okay with them first.
-Please no blood-bending

It's 100 years after Aang imprisoned Phoenix-King Ozai. The new avatar has been missing, and is assumed to be dead. Fire-lord Zuko has died of old age and his son, Iro, has taken the throne. Iro has become corrupted by the spirit of Ozai, his grandfather, and now believes that the world can only achieve balance under the rule of one kingdom. He has declared himself to be the Phoenix-King and the Fire-lord at once, and has already conquered the other nations. A new nation has formed, "The Elemental Alliance, " and is made up of rebels from all the other nations. Sozin's comet is said to be approaching again soon, and Iro plans to use this power to wipe out TEA forever. You are a rebel, part of TEA. In order to take Iro down, you must work together with your squadron and defeat him, once, and for all.


Bending Element(optional):


Name: Shin
Age: 16
Appearance: Shin has white hair, black boots, black pants, brown belt, brown shoulder pads, grey shirt, and black gloves. A pair of silver goggles hangs around his neck. Shin's build is muscular, but pretty evident that speed is his best option. His eyes are red.
Weapon(optional): A black longsword
Bending Element(optional): Fire
Personality: Shin is a fun-loving person, and is somebody that is always trying to keep everyone happy. Not a natural leader, he struggles to make the right choices for the squadron, and often needs advice in his actions. But when it's time to battle, he becomes serious and tries to be the best he can be. Shin is a clumsy person, who often ends up saying things that come out wrong.
Background: Shin's family is unknown, and the earliest thing he remembers is being found by TEA as a boy. Later, when he was a bit older, he found a black sword in his travels with TEA. He kept it, and has trained with it ever since.

-Grinning Calamity:Shin
-*~[insert name here]~*:Miara
-Black Yoshi 99:Xigbar
-Blastoise 428:Maku
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Name: Alsan
Age: 24
Appearance: Black hair and ice-blue eyes. He usually wears large, black clothes, but when he needs to be formal, he has a large shirt with gold symbols.
Weapon: Here
Bending Element: Fire
Personality: Alsan is serious person, only worried about his objective of overthrowing Iro. He is focused and calculist, and has no intimate relation with no one except himself. He is respected by his companions and foes alike.
Background: Alsan has come from an ancient family that has helped the Avatar through time. Because of this, his family was killed when he was 17. He has joined the TEA as the leader of the fighting squadron, along with the brave enough to face the Phoenix-King.
Name: Hari (HEY-RYE)
Appearance:Jet-black hair, down to her waist, with indigo pants and a reddish-brown shirt, and green shoulder pads with the Earth Kingdom symbol. She wears a headband made to look like it's made out of twigs. She wears tan boots.Oh, and sea-green fingerless gloves. She is slightly built, because she trains a lot.
Bending Element:Earth
Personality:A spit-fire tomboy, Hari is a born attempter. She can get annoyed quickly,but she is a quite nice person deep down, even if she doesn't really show it. She is a bit distant sometimes, but is a fun-loving person. Loves to fight.
Background:Generations ago, Toph had a daughter,and a large family countined,forced into hiding, and wiped out. Because of this, she ran far away, and was found by the TEA. She is related to Toph, so she can Metalbend.
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Name: Miara
Age: 14

Weapon(optional): Many small blades hidden everywhere-Her hair, clothing, and shoes, plus a few other places, but she usually fights with a staff, so as not to raise suspicion.
Bending Element(optional): Water
Personality: Headstrong, rebellious, and strangely compassionate. She is not afraid to speak her mind even in the tightest situations. However she is good at lying to get people to think what she wants them to as well.
Background: Miara grew up on the streets. She stole for a living and had never given a shit about anyone, until she found the TEA. She is a descendant of Katara and has the ability to heal with water.
Name: Lii
Age: 15
Appearance: Lii has very long red hair that goes down to her legs and red eyes. She wears a white tee-shirt the shows some of her stomach and has a black collar on it. A red pin in the shape of the Fire nation symbol is pinned on her shirt. She also wears a black skirt with small yellow dots on it and black leggings. She wears red shoes to finish it.
http://photobucket.com/image/fire anime girl/lisanne_92/c5cf3d5a.jpg?o=45
Weapon(optional): A sword.
Bending Element(optional): Fire
Personality: She's very hyper and inexpeirenced at Fire bending right now. She can have some anger issue problems, but is otherwise friendly. She suprisingly has a soft spot for water benders. She gets really shy around Shin, having a crush on him(if it's okay).
Background: Lii is Iro's little sister and Zuko's daughter(if it's okay). Iro banished her for trying to stop from conquering other lands. When wandering around for a while, she met up with TEA and joined, trying to stop her tyranical brother's reign.
(Hmmm... I think this looks interesting!)
Name:Xigbar(As always)
Appearance:He has slightly shaggy black hair, and wears water tribe armor most of the time. (Without the helmet, of course.) He as a fairly fit build. (Not muscular, and not skinny.) He's also a little tall for his age.
Weapon(optional):He carries a two-handed sword, made of a fine steel.
Bending Element(optional):Water
Personality:He cares for others, but he's a little timid to new people. He likes to play games, and jokes. He hates fighting, but he knows it's for the best.
Background:He came from the northern Water tribe, and his family migrated to the south. Their village was attacked, and his parents were gone. He then fled, finding TEA by accident.
(If I'm unclear on anything, PLEASE tell me.)
I suppose I'll join...

Name: Mazhu (MAH-ZOO)
Age: 13
Appearance: See pic.
Weapon(optional): (See Pic) A long, icy-looking sword.
Bending Element(optional): Water.
Personality: Shy at first, he quickly opens up into a usually happy, slightly annoying person. When annoyed or mad, he usually storms off.
Background: Maku is distantly related to Sokka, and was born in the Southern Water Tribe. His family moved to the Ba-Sing-Se, in the Earth Kingdom, when he was four. His parents passed away shortly before the invasion of the Earth Capital, and he ran away to the TEA.

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Wow... it took a while, but people actually joined! (I feel so loved! XD)

Okay, all accepted, and I think I'll close it now(but I don't know how...)

(btw, to MewX, that's fine.)
Shin stood over the map of the world's nations displayed on the table in front of him. It was another strategic meeting of TEA, and Shin was in charge of his squadron.

"Shin, I want your squadron to begin a trek to the Southern Air Temple and patrol around that area. Right now, the Fire Nation hasn't taken control of the Air Temples yet, and we have reason to believe that they're beginning to approach them. The Air Temples of old are necessary to us as bases of operation. That is why you need to get there, defeat whatever Fire Nation troops have attempted to conquer it, and wait for further instruction." The Commander of TEA dismissed Shin, and he left with a sigh.

Are we ever going to fight any real battles? I've been here all my life, and it's always just, "Patrol this, patrol that." It's so annoying. I feel bad for my squadron, too. I have a feeling The Commander doubts my skills as a leader, and as long as he does that, we'll never get any glorious battles...

Shin walked into his squadron's quarters and halfheartedly reported, "Sorry, guys, it's mission time."

(By the way, we're in the Eastern Air Temple right now.)
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"Oh, joy! Mission are so much fun! I'm assuming that we'll be patrolling someplace? Again? Like always? I swear, we've patrolled every place that isn't filled with Fire Natio Soldiers!" He sat staring into space,wondering when they'd get a real mission.
"Hmm, let me see... Us seven, inexperienced or medium-class benders, against some 50 well-trained Fire Nation troops... Yeah, we sould get rid of them without anyone of us getting his limbs cut off." Alsan said, with a sarcastic tone. "Start thinking. If patroling wasn't important, we weren't sent to do it. Until we get some real experience, we won't fight."
"...Where'd you get the number fifty? What if was just twenty? Or just a squadron? Like us? And since when did you like patrol?" He asked.
Another patrol, eh? Ah, well, thought Mazhu, as he strode to the nearby stream. When he arrived, he pulled out a good-sized gourd and filled it to the brim with water. Replacing the cork on the top, Mazhu tied the water gourd to his belt and walked back to the others. It was no wonder that he wasn't ever sent anywhere but on patrol. With his short stature, young age, and all-around unthreatening appearence, Mazhu couldn't scare a Turkey-duck. Sighing to himself, he picked up his sword and strapped it to his back.
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"Alrighty then, Shin." Lii said. Actually, she planned to train today, trying to get better at her Fire bending.
Another patrol? Oh, well. Hopefully he'll notice me. She thought.
"Well, you sure seem to. If the patrolling is as important as you say, they should be sending higher ranking troops." He filled a cantine with drinking water, and he filled another with bending water. He strapped his sword to his back, and put some dry meat in a sack. "That should be good." He said to himself. He finished packing by putting up his sleeping bag. "I'm ready." He said.
Shin walked to the middle of the room. "Listen guys, I know that patrolling isn't the best job in the world, but something seems different about this one. I can feel it." He did his best to show his enthusiasm, but he still felt as bad as everyone else. Their squad wasn't exactly the best around, and were often underestimated.

But something really does feel different this time.

Shin strapped his sword horizontally on his back, and then packed a backpack.

"Well, anyway, let's head out. Everyone meet me at the Balloon-Loading Dock." He walked out of the door.
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Xigbar sighed. He walkd out with his pack and headed for the balloon loading dock. This is gonna' be a bummer, as always.
Lii hurriedly packed up everything and followed Shin outside to the Ballon-Loading Docks.
Am I the only one who actually wants to go on patrol? She thought.
Suplies, clothes, weapons... Yeah, that's all. Alsan thought, while packing his last things. He then equipped himself: his naginata on his back, and the usual knives on the sleeves and boots. He grabbed his pack and walked to the dock.
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