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Search results

  1. S

    The lulz

    Dutch is for the nubz :<
  2. S

    The lulz

    Dat wus Engrish!
  3. S

    The lulz

    ffs dutch
  4. S

    The lulz

    gtfo swedish!
  5. S

    The lulz

    Thank you brother MD, for those wise words of wisdom (redundancy is lulz)
  6. S

    Brawl Tiers?

    You need to read things more clearly.
  7. S

    Brawl Tiers?

    Ofc you can play better with Mario if you're a casual gamer, but if you're playing competitive, where everyone has the mad skillz, then odds are the player playing with the character higher on the tier list will win.
  8. S

    The lulz

    Fish? Dunno about fish but if MD would kindly drop by and tell you all of the FISK, then we might be going somewhere.
  9. S

    The lulz

    Another happy convert
  10. S

    The lulz

    nah please don't don't bother waking up next to me either you selfish pig GIGGITY
  11. S

    The lulz

  12. S

    The lulz

    <3? :O
  13. S

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    You were mean to me that one time, jerk :<
  14. S

    The lulz

    no really, it is me
  15. S

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    I'm also not a jerk 8D
  16. S

    The lulz

    My man Zhork, that made me lol gj mate also everyone joins :D
  17. S

    The lulz

    how about you bring your sin and i bring my cos and we can make some beautiful hyp ;D GIGGITY GIGGITY
  18. S

    The lulz

  19. S

    The lulz

    No really, gtfo plz.
  20. S

    The lulz

    thank you for joining ^.^
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