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Search results

  1. S

    The lulz

  2. S

    Can you juggle?

    i can juggle two but i wonder why you care
  3. S

    The lulz

    Maybe you're just sad that my club is betterar than your club, but don't take it out on the lulz son. NO SRS BZNESS HERE K PHILLIP THX >:D
  4. S

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    verne is epic, Dezzuu is lolz, Altmer is lolz, Tailsy is <3, Feral is \m/, surskitty is 8), opal is >:D i am ready for some ego +/- now
  5. S

    The lulz

    thank you both for joining the lulz thank you also xikaze, i jizzed in my pants reading that
  6. S

    The lulz

    that video; it was full of the lulz
  7. S

    The lulz

    see i told you you didn't prefer eating bullets to this
  8. S

    16th/20th/21st centuries music lovers

    Re: 20th/21st centuries music lovers you really mean he fixed it
  9. S

    50s/60s/70s/80s/90s music lovers

    Maybe even with Frankie in the 30s eh?
  10. S

    16th/20th/21st centuries music lovers

    Re: 20th/21st centuries music lovers Go away if you're not in on the lulz D:
  11. S

    50s/60s/70s/80s/90s music lovers

    Re: 60s/70s/80s/90s music lovers I loved this one band in the 50s, can you change the topic title again :(
  12. S

    16th/20th/21st centuries music lovers

    Re: 20th/21st centuries music lovers CRY MORE PHILLY Wow, I can totally name at least one band from this era that I like, count me in.
  13. S

    The lulz

    man look up the lulz on wiki :<
  14. S

    The lulz

    no it's a meme
  15. S

    The lulz

    in soviet russia, topic looks at you
  16. S

    The lulz

    i lol'd Dezzuu
  17. S

    The lulz

    thanks for the join mofo
  18. S

    The lulz

    i assume that was for the lulz retsu
  19. S

    The lulz

    JOIN THE LULZ NO SRS BUSINESS ALLOWED >:| members: Scizor Furret Dezz'uu Number 100 Feralig8tr EeveeSkitty Mudkip Xikaze Phillip Shiranui link008 Koori Renchuu Zhorken NWT Zeta Thingy :( Walker Game and Watch Worst Username Ever Music Dragon Watershed (oh my) Ruffled Feathers Walker Invader...
  20. S

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    I prefer this one tbqfh
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