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Search results

  1. S

    Crystylla stole my intro thread title :(

    That is a blantant lie; I just showered! D:
  2. S


    Welcome back Tailsy! =D
  3. S


  4. S


    yyn Ask no questions, I will tell no lies! :D
  5. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Re: The better now playing Wii: SSBB, LoZ:TP, Super Mario Galaxy, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Mario Kart:Wii Loving the Wii atm :D
  6. S

    Favorite Pokemon?

    Snorlax and Munchlax <3333
  7. S

    ... TCG League again?

    Didn't actually participate last time, but then again I was extremely busy so I guess now's a good time to brush up some of my TCG skills eh? :D
  8. S

    Crystylla stole my intro thread title :(

    "You know just who I am, don't be so distant..."
  9. S

    Forums Open

    Yay I guess I can finally post now :D
  10. S

    That's true; still some meaningful lyrics would be appreciated seeing as we know he's capable of...

    That's true; still some meaningful lyrics would be appreciated seeing as we know he's capable of it (The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Real Puppet anyone?)
  11. S

    Tarja and Kakko also have that effect on me and I really like SA and Nightwish so all's well I...

    Tarja and Kakko also have that effect on me and I really like SA and Nightwish so all's well I guess :D
  12. S

    Will do in the very near futur. I generally listen to music for the vocals (and by extension...

    Will do in the very near futur. I generally listen to music for the vocals (and by extension, the lyrical contrent) but hey I can make an exception I guess :D
  13. S

    Well if they disguise their ballads under names like CLAVICULA NOX, then you can't really blame...

    Well if they disguise their ballads under names like CLAVICULA NOX, then you can't really blame me can you? :P
  14. S

    They're good for me, some would say great and amazing but hey, I'm more of a clean ballad type...

    They're good for me, some would say great and amazing but hey, I'm more of a clean ballad type of guy you know?
  15. S

    Yaaaay, I haven't met a person that didn't like the album yet :D Also, Therion are not bad so...

    Yaaaay, I haven't met a person that didn't like the album yet :D Also, Therion are not bad so highfive!
  16. S

    Well power metal's main characteristic is both the heavy riffs and clean vocals! But hey, I just...

    Well power metal's main characteristic is both the heavy riffs and clean vocals! But hey, I just love them to death (pun intended?) so I don't mind at all :D
  17. S

    I love all of Black Halo really but if I had to pick a favorite, it'd probably Somewhere in Time...

    I love all of Black Halo really but if I had to pick a favorite, it'd probably Somewhere in Time (The Haunting). Epica is also great, as is Ghost Opera. oh and did I mention Karma >:D
  18. S

    Hey man, felt like returning the favor I guess. Also Kamelot 4 eva ;D

    Hey man, felt like returning the favor I guess. Also Kamelot 4 eva ;D
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