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Search results

  1. CNiall

    Whats so "great" about your schools

    we're supposed to be the best school in the city with an entrance exam designed to weed out idiots but we're still infested with them and the pace of the lessons is slow enough to gradually drive me insane :(
  2. CNiall

    Post your memories.

    Sure. Pokémon genes and the wonders of having pet Pokémon. :)
  3. CNiall

    What dragon are you?

    Fire, apparently. eta: though I'm white according to the second one.
  4. CNiall

    Post your memories.

    There is the many-worlds interpretation but that deals with universes and it's not like I want to back up anyone's ideas.
  5. CNiall

    Gaming ties

    Neither of my parents play games and I'm an only child, making me the only person that plays games in my house. I'm playing games less and less frequently as of late, though, so whether I classify as 'big on games' is open to debate.
  6. CNiall

    What are you reading?

    Calculus Concepts and Contexts, Edition Two; James Stewart (not the best, but I've been unable to find any other calculus textbook torrents) Learning Perl, Fifth Edition Schwartz, Phoenix, Foy 8)
  7. CNiall

    Funny Moments at School

    lolllllllll you're trying too hard to be *~~hilarious~~* or you're just really dim :(
  8. CNiall


    I'm pretty sure he said he was eighteen (which matches perfectly with a quick Google about Colorado driving laws) somewhere.
  9. CNiall

    Favorite Fictional Weapon

    Half-Life 2 and the episodes that follow it contain the Gravity Gun (you can call it the Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator if you really want to).
  10. CNiall

    Fun with pre-set voices

    http://dragonflycave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=150085&postcount=3 I spent time on that post. :(
  11. CNiall

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    The decrease in singing is good; a++
  12. CNiall

    Woo, no more public computes!

    A lot of people don't like IEn (myself included). Last sentence of quote is doubleplus dim.
  13. CNiall

    What does your handwriting look like?

    Ah, right--in Latin, word order's still pretty important iirc, although I can't think of a decent way to express it. Subject, object / adjective, verb works most of the time though (so you could have Quintus fortis est--Quintus is strong--and Quintus canes amavi--Quintus loved dogs).
  14. CNiall

    What does your handwriting look like?

    Doesn't Russian only have six cases (nominative, accusitive, genitive, dative, instrumental, prepositional), or am I missing something? That's the same amount as Latin (although they are slightly different in Latin: nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative, ablative), and unless...
  15. CNiall

    Fun with pre-set voices

    Pretty sure that this was the inspiration for that feature:
  16. CNiall

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    I think Harlequin is capable of forming his own opinions of people. (as are most other people on tCoD)
  17. CNiall

    My 3-Ds

  18. CNiall

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    I was just thinking that he looked more than a bit demonic.
  19. CNiall

    What does your handwriting look like?

    I don't think the paper was on the plate properly when I scanned this, but it's okay (I didn't realise my handwriting was so small, either)
  20. CNiall

    Inheritance Cycle

    Perhaps it has more flaws than positive points in his eyes (and those of many other people)? you never know
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