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Gaming ties


fka Grimdour, for the curious
Is there anyone else in your family that's big on games?

My family(well the guys anyway) are practically raised on it. My grandmother's brother has owned most of Sony and Nintendo consoles which were passed on to everyone, and my older cousins have a PS2, a PSOne and I think a Dreamcast while my second eldest and youngest uncles both have a 360, a PS3 and their PC is custom-built(one was originally a Pentium II but now it has a dual-core processor, 50G memory and 2G RAM iirc, if not more), and has mostly FPS and RTS games and Neverwinter Nights 2.

My brother likes FPSes - especially Counter Strike - and (to a lesser extent, I think) driving games, amongst other things. Which just goes to show that if one of us likes something, it's a pretty sure bet that the other isn't so crazy about it. Meaning multiplayer never really happens. :(

But anyway, apart from that... no. The parental units are more than a little dismissive when it comes to video games. My dad used to like point-and-clicks and the occasional racing game, but he lost interest in games in general after the former pretty much died out.

The worst part is how nobody in the house will take me seriously when I try to show them the wonder that is the Ace Attorney series. D:
Unfortunatly for me, only my little sisters play video games. Mum and Dad are too serious for that kinda thing. Though Mum used to play rayman with us years ago...I miss that.
My brother and I are both into pretty much the same video games. My parents? Nope, except in the case of Portal (neither of them has played it, but they've seen it and heard all about it) and the various game my mom may watch me play.
Short answer, no. Both my little sisters[half] are 5 and 7 years old. The five year old is too young and just isn't that smart[not that you need to be to smart] but she CAN'T READ. It's like impossible to play pokemon games without reading. The seven year old is...not very smart. She can't read properly either[don't question] so she can't play either. My parents are NO VIDEO GAMES AT ALL COSTS! I don't think they have EVER played a video game in their life because as adults they are anti video games and when they were children I think they were poor. So I'm the only gamer. This is one of the only places that feels right to me.
The five year old is too young and just isn't that smart[not that you need to be to smart] but she CAN'T READ. It's like impossible to play pokemon games without reading. The seven year old is...not very smart. She can't read properly either[don't question] so she can't play

My brother got his first Pokémon game at four. Granted, he's never been *as* strong a reader as I have and couldn't read much at all at that age, so I'm not saying he's a genius or anything, just... he managed. He bothered me about it a lot, but more about what he was supposed to do than "what does that say, what does that say". He did pretty well considering he was just poking buttons more or less at random.

Uh, just my brother and me. My mom had an Atari 2600 when I was about 3 and we used to play a few games together, but she won't play anymore. One of these days I WILL wear her down and get her to play PW, though.
Erm. My mum once nearly missed a coach because she was engrossed in a game of Pacman at a service station? xD

I don't think my dad has ever played a video game in his life. My brother, being young, has shitty taste in games (movie tie-ins, etc.). The rest of my family either don't play games (see: anyone over the age of 21) or play your generic casual-gamer games (racing, sports, etc.). I suppose the only person of note is my third-eldest cousin, who plays lots of RTSs.

Oh, and my aunt once played for about an hour on my copy of FireRed for a laugh!
Oh, and my aunt once played for about an hour on my copy of FireRed for a laugh!
I forced my dad to play FireRed once. He didn't really manage to grasp the controls, and kept walking into walls, but eventually managed to get a Charmander and name it "Dookie". :( And that was pretty much it. He never even tried to take it seriously. He had this constant infuriating condescending expression of "I've humoured you, now you go and take your sad little kiddy games elsewhere, 'kay?"
my parents are like in their sixties so um.

however my dad does play The Settlers II alot so yeah.

My eldest brother plays a lot of different games (I think he was the one that got me into Pokemon o-o in fact we played it back in what '98 on an emulator), my second eldest brother plays a few games, my third eldest brother is a heavy video gamer aaand well I'm here aren't I. Also my nephew plays video games quite a bit (he's like ten or summat why is he playing halo I know I'm setting a bad example but still)
I got into games all by myself; my parents don't care about games at all (well, my mum will listen to me ranting about game-related things even though she doesn't understand it, which is sweet), and I don't have any older siblings or cousins who game. I bought my first gameboy with my birthday money when I was about 9, got an N64 when I was about 11 and it kinda went from there.

My sister plays games, but she's not as into it as me. Still, it's great to have a human to play against when I'm bored of the SSBB CPUs.
Hmm... I know my brother plays quite a bit, as he purchased a 360 about a year ago. My mom and dad both liked to play Super Mario Kart a lot back when they were actually together. Both my mom and grandmother also liked Dr. Mario back in the day. And I think one of my uncles may be a PC gamer. Of course, I'm leaving out my younger cousins since they all do play games. However, they mostly have older systems such as SNES (Old school model), Genesis and N64. This makes me the one with the high tech systems with the Wii, 360, and PS2.
No. :(

I'm the only one in m house that plays games. Unless you count my brother, he plays games a lot, but not as much as I do. The reason I'm not counting him is because he's always at university so I don't have him to brawl against. He has wi-fi, but he doesn't have his own copy of brawl yet. In fact, if it weren't for my brother I probably would never have gotten into gaming because I'd never so much as heard of a 'video-game' before he got a Gameboy for his birthday once. I'd never heard of games played on TVs screens until he got a Sega Mega-Drive for Christmas. However, he never let me touch his games out of fear I'd break them (he still does this now :()

My parents however, have no interest in video games at all. When they come in they sometimes ask me 'what's going on?!?' because they don't know why a fox with a laser is fighting a princess who turns into a ninja with a lightsaber and Pokéballs.
I tell them "It'd make more sense if you concentrate on a single character insted of everything that's going on at the same time."
My brother is on the PS3 a lot and plays quite a few different games. The only game I ever play nowadays is online pokémon, and occasionally Oblivion, or maybe one of my old PC games for nostalgia. Of course, he thinks it's incredibly sad that I only regularly play ancient games from early childhood and nerdy strategy games, but I think they're way more awesome than boring FPS after FPS. Probably because I suck at those :/

My sister has a DS, but I think the fact I've managed to keep it in my room for well over a month now (I don't buy my own because I only ever play Diamond) shows how much she plays video games, huh. Dad plays occasionally for a laugh but he doesn't really care. Basically, not really.

My seven-year-old cousin is a huge pokémon fan which is awesome, but he'll obviously grow out of it before long. :(
Both my parents are ubergamers :D Dad always plays things like Counterstrike and GTA, my mom plays PC games like Spore and Myst. My sister is a WoW-er, my aunt is a huge gamer, my cousin is a Pokemon-and-Zelda fan, and... that's it.

I come from a long line of geeks.
Hmm... I could link everyone in my family to gaming.

Gamers in order of Addiction level:

My brother(younger)
My brother(older)
My dad(Wii Play)
My mom(Brawl, only two games though. GOD she SUCKS)

.... My family of "gamers" is small. Although my dad is one heck of a math nerd.
Everybody who lives in my house plays Pokemon games. (Do I win? XP)

My dad's a big RPG-er, so he got us into all that. (Though my mom got him into Pokemon. ^^)
My Dad plays a lot of sports games, my Mom plays Pokemon and Animal Crossing and my sister plays a lot of cutesy kid games.
My parents played some 80s games like Digger, but no, they don't play anymore. My sister plays Catz and Kirby Ultra Star on the DS.
Neither of my parents play games and I'm an only child, making me the only person that plays games in my house. I'm playing games less and less frequently as of late, though, so whether I classify as 'big on games' is open to debate.
I WANT to play games, but I'm actually too lazy to and put if off until later.

I procrastinate on playing games.
I procratinate doing things I enjoy.

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