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Search results

  1. CNiall

    Inheritance Cycle

    spectacular lack of reasons there; a++
  2. CNiall

    Inheritance Cycle

    You like it; we don't. We are providing perfectly valid reasons as to why we don't like it. We are not flaming it. If that offends you, it's really not our problem. (also calling opaltiger a fool could be a pretty bad idea but nvm)
  3. CNiall

    Swampert forum

    What? eta: oh, I think I know what you mean (yet again, work on your grammar). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark
  4. CNiall

    Swampert forum

    I think that stems largely from the way you said 'I think you'll find he's improved it' to Terry. Maybe if you'd listen to us and improve your grammar we'd be more willing to help you--'so what if my grammar is not the best' really doesn't inspire hope for taking criticism on your site. Just a...
  5. CNiall

    Swampert forum

    If they are talking about your grammar, my point still stands--sure, it's improved, but it is by no stretch of the imagination good. The same goes for your site. Mercury was saying that you have improved [grammar/site] as if it makes the [grammar/site] good.
  6. CNiall

    Funny Moments at School

    Never heard of 'writing' class either (also you made me look up CSAP screw you :( )--English (and possibly English lit.) seem more logical, but whatever. eta: I know it's a class; that's why I asked what reading class was :(
  7. CNiall

    Funny Moments at School

    a. What the hell is 'reading' class; are you stuck with people incapable of reading or have they decided that you are incapable of taking English (lit.)? b. Why is the second point funny? (actually, I don't see what's funny about most of your points but maybe I just lack a sense of humour)
  8. CNiall

    Favorite Fictional Weapon

    The Sangraal from Stargate SG-1's pretty cool (although it is never actually seen being activated in the series) if you ask me, as are the main weapons mounted on the Ori motherships from the same series.
  9. CNiall

    Swampert forum

    Improvement does not make something good. It makes it better. (although if this constitutes the site after being improved I'd hate to see the original)
  10. CNiall

    Bad Restaurant Experiences

    So you're thirteen and haven't realised that feeling the undersides of tables in public places is a bad idea?
  11. CNiall

    Homework Help Thread

    The binder could be cartable; no idea off the top of my head about the anagram (but try double spacing once in a while).
  12. CNiall

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    DarkArmour vaguely annoys me with an animated, scrollbar sig and then making a weird thread proclaiming that he has 'regenerated' for no apparent reason.
  13. CNiall

    Bio Help

    General Name: Mr. Smith Age: 13 (14 in six or seven days I think) D.O.B: 6/10/94 Hair Color: brown Hair Style: short, straight Eye Color: green Favorite Colour(s): blue will do Country: England Media Favourite Band(s): none Current Favourite Song: none (although Holst's Jupiter and Dvořák's...
  14. CNiall

    How Do I Type e-acute?

    Ctrl+Alt+e AltGr+e well, I can see something wrong here. Incidentally, AltGr+e doesn't result in é on Ubuntu (no idea about other distros).
  15. CNiall

    U.S. Modern Great Depression?

    Haven't YOU officially been COMMUNIST for AGES now?
  16. CNiall

    SPORE! W00T!

    what I have bought the game myself; it is just sort of, y'know, useful to know if it has DRM or not.
  17. CNiall

    Adopt-A-Pokémon! The site!

    Re: Adopt-A-Pokémon! The site! That comment was perfectly reasonable--that post didn't make sense.
  18. CNiall

    Adopt-A-Pokémon! The site!

    Re: Adopt-A-Pokémon! The site! are you like stoned or something because you really don't make sense
  19. CNiall

    Adopt-A-Pokémon! The site!

    Re: Adopt-A-Pokémon! The site! I always find it more than slightly hypocritical when people judge on age when there is a difference of about a year--the difference isn't that big.
  20. CNiall

    Adopt-A-Pokémon! The site!

    Re: Adopt-A-Pokémon! The site! you are one year older than him
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