Just do what the title says, my funny moments aren't really that funny now, but they were funny at the time.
Homecoming King this year is a gay guy who dresses up like a girl
A guy was doing cartwheels while we were running our warm up mile in track.
This week was spirit week, on fictional charactor day, a guy was dressed up as peter pan, leotard and everything
There's a guy (who i swear is NOT gay) paints his finger nails pink
My math teacher last year said if he does the splits and the worm in class, this one girl had to bring cake for the that next monday. That was some good cake.
At this camp for school last year, we were throwing rocks in a fire. We found out sandstone explodes after that day, after a while we got scared something bad would happen when someone threw like 20-30 rocks, we ran away lol.
Thats all my somewhat funny things, hopefully you all have funnier things.
Homecoming King this year is a gay guy who dresses up like a girl
A guy was doing cartwheels while we were running our warm up mile in track.
This week was spirit week, on fictional charactor day, a guy was dressed up as peter pan, leotard and everything
There's a guy (who i swear is NOT gay) paints his finger nails pink
My math teacher last year said if he does the splits and the worm in class, this one girl had to bring cake for the that next monday. That was some good cake.
At this camp for school last year, we were throwing rocks in a fire. We found out sandstone explodes after that day, after a while we got scared something bad would happen when someone threw like 20-30 rocks, we ran away lol.
Thats all my somewhat funny things, hopefully you all have funnier things.