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Search results

  1. CNiall

    whee, vista

    Your HDD's pretty small, then. But yes, a lot of space is taken up (but hai vLite). Anyway, glad you're enjoying it.
  2. CNiall

    Half-Life 2

    I'm almost certain GLaDOS says not to look into the operational end of the device and in the levels with the mounted portal gun, nothing at all happens to you when you stand in the way of a shot--why would it be different for non-Chell organisms? (also adding the portal gun to GMod is a whole...
  3. CNiall

    Half-Life 2

    It's better than Black Mesa's, too--that just inhibits ice. Psh, why just inhibit ice when you can make it arguably alive as well?
  4. CNiall

    Half-Life 2

    On the Borealis blueprints, GLaDOS is written where I'm fairly sure the designer's (very likely to be the wrong term but I can't think of a better one) name is meant to go, yes.
  5. CNiall

    Half-Life 2

    I keep meaning to get the Little Rocket Man achievement, but at the moment I don't even have Episode Two installed (thanks in no small part to my connection's newfound 'whoo disconnecting; slow speed when reconnecting :D!!!' attitude). During Riding Shotgun (and the ending of Freeman Pontifex)...
  6. CNiall

    Half-Life 2

    For the Hunter-flechettes achievement, pick up a prop with the gravity gun, use it to shield yourself from the flechettes (so the Hunter fires them into your prop) and punt it at the Hunter with the gravity gun.
  7. CNiall


    I see manners are a lost cause with you.
  8. CNiall

    Strange Dreams/Nightmares

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drowning 'Drowning is death caused by suffocation when a liquid causes interruption of the body's absorption of oxygen from the air' and so on.
  9. CNiall

    Strange Dreams/Nightmares

    ...? (this may be a valid term but I've never heard of it, it sounds damn weird and 'I drowned' has exactly the same meaning) I barely ever remember any of my dreams, and the closest I get to remembering them is a few fragments that are completely uninteresting. Whoo.
  10. CNiall

    Stupid things you thought were true: World Version!

    ...you eat dog food? I smell urban myth material.
  11. CNiall

    What's your allowance?

    £10 a week. Generally, this just accumulates, but I've taken a liking to Stargate recently and I've started buying the DVDs, so it's obviously not just accumulating at the moment.
  12. CNiall


    As I said earlier, the olives look more like a sketch done on paper to try and figure out what the layout was to look like--I can see why you've done that, but to me it just looks out of place; maybe if you were to do the text in the same style (handwritten, I presume?) it'd fit more? Also, I...
  13. CNiall

    How much money do you have?

    On hand: £26 + change, soon to be £0 + change; In bank: no idea :D
  14. CNiall

    First Day of Junior Year!

    Uh, 11th grade in the US system is year 12 / Lower Sixth / whatever else it's called (see: Internet).
  15. CNiall

    Do you think you're attractive?

    I wouldn't class myself as particularly attractive--if I remember, I'll find the camera cable and take a photo for the Behind the Avatar thread. I can't think of anything more to say, so~
  16. CNiall

    What's your birthday on the the tCoD Zodiac?

    Festival of Shadow Suicune, Season of Will, apparently. In the old zodiac, I'm fairly sure it was the day of Porygon2, Reign of Deoxys and Season of the Mind.
  17. CNiall

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose I posted a few of these comics quite a few pages back, but I'll normally crack a smile at them (although the imaginary friends one which I /may/ have posted individually tickled me more than it probably should have) so look anyway.
  18. CNiall

    What does your desk look like?

    My desk is inanely cluttered at the moment--there's a keyboard (?_? I don't even have a desktop computer on my desk) with two scientific calculators (the second of which I didn't even know I had until I discovered it under a pile of schoolbooks) and an obnoxious amount of paper artfully arranged...
  19. CNiall

    What are you thinking?

    Oh, look, decimal module. That should help.
  20. CNiall


    see: stereotype
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