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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Well I'm not going to deny it.
Gordon seems like a fine man in any case. I mean, he has a PhD. :P
Put to great use when you shoved the cart of stuff into the thingie in Half-Life 1 and again when you plug Dr. Kleiner's device in.
I did find that LOST easter egg, it made me squeal with glee because I love Lost too.
And did you really get that gnome into the rocket? How do you get past those driving chapters?
Also, episode 3 is gonna be so awesome. And I hope the helecopter doesn't crash; maybe the Borealis has some kind of weapon confiscating feild, or something? Super Gravity Gun!
So, do you think that the Borealis being from Aperture Science means anything significant? Because some portal gun action in Half-Life 2 has some potential.
It falls out a lot, so it's really difficult to stay alive with a helicopter shooting at you constantly.I keep meaning to get the Little Rocket Man achievement, but at the moment I don't even have Episode Two installed (thanks in no small part to my connection's newfound 'whoo disconnecting; slow speed when reconnecting :D!!!' attitude). During Riding Shotgun (and the ending of Freeman Pontifex), isn't it possible to just jam the gnome in the front of the car and just keep an eye on it?